[Vision2020] book recommendations
jeanlivingston at turbonet.com
Thu Jan 3 23:24:59 PST 2008
The Nine, by Jeffrey Toobin, about the longest period of time that a
group of the same nine justices comprised the U.S. Supreme Court in
our nation's history, from 1994 to 2005. Fascinating reading, and
not at all limited to lawyers. It is written at a level that
explains a few particular cases succinctly and for laypeople, but what
makes it so fascinating are the details about the particular justices,
anecdotes, and personal items, not just their legal reasoning or
their votes on cases. Incredibly readable and very informative; I
couldn't put it down.
The Beatles, by Bob Spitz Very detailed and interesting insight into
the Fab Four. (Kai might not love it!).
I suppose this is passe already, but...
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, by JK Rowling
I would be curious to hear comments on "the Kite Runner" and "A
Thousand Splendid Suns" by Khaled Hosseini, two books that are on my
list of "books to beread."
Bruce Livingston
-----Original message-----
From: Debbie Gray graylex at yahoo.com
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 23:06:59 -0800
To: vision2020 vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Vision2020] book recommendations
> Well I haven't bought many new 'albums' this year
> (mostly soundtracks and those kinds of things) but I
> can suggest a few of my favorite books that I've read
> this year...
> The world without us / Alan Weisman. (non-fiction)
> This is such an enthralling read, the author imagines
> the world as it would/will be if/when every single
> human disappeared. It's got nuclear waste, global
> warming, evolution, underground hotel caves in Turkey,
> oil wells and more! He researches and explains what
> will happen to every little thing we've made or done
> on this earth and how surprisingly fast somethings
> will disappear and how long other things will continue
> to pollute the planet.
> Three cups of tea: One Mans Mission to Promote
> Peace...One School At A Time / Greg Mortenson.
> (non-fiction) A truly inspiring story about the
> tremendous impact one man can have on the lives of so
> many others. This book talks about his mission to
> build schools in the most remote areas of Pakistan and
> Afghanistan. The author is based in Missoula, Montana,
> and will be in Moscow April 3 as part of his book tour
> (location TBA according to the website:
> http://www.threecupsoftea.com/ )
> The Lost: The Search for Six of Six Million / Daniel
> Mendelsohn. (non-fiction) The author sets out to track
> down his great uncle and family who were lost during
> the Holocaust. From bits and fragments of information
> he persistentlyinvestigates what happened to them,
> interviews survivors and is entrusted with many of
> their stories as well. Fascinating story (but quite
> long at over 500 pages)
> Piano Tuner / Daniel Mason. (Fiction) Bit of a review
> from amazon.com "...the mesmerizing story of Edgar
> Drake, commissioned by the British War Office in 1886
> to travel to hostile Burma to repair a rare Erard
> grand piano vital to the Crown's strategic interests.
> Eccentric Surgeon-Major Anthony Carroll has brokered
> peace with local warlords primarily through music, a
> free medical clinic, and the "powers" of common
> scientific instruments, much to the dismay of
> warmongering officers suspect of such unorthodox
> methods. Drake is an introspective, well-mannered soul
> who, once there, falls in love with Burma and stays
> long past the piano-fixing toaid Carroll's political
> agenda."
> Anyone else want to share some great reading
> suggestions?
> Be a better friend, newshound, and
> know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.
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