[Vision2020] Obama delegates

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 6 21:24:28 PST 2008

  They have not been decided yet. State delegates selected at the caucus will go to the state convention, they will elect 13 and they will go to the national convention and vote. 
  This brings up something interesting too. Idaho could be the state that gives Obama the final delegates at the National Convention to meet the nomination. How so you ask?
  It is traditional for each state to give the home state of a candidate the honor of casting the last few delegates so their delegates get put them over the top. Because Idaho is just before Illinois, it could cast its votes and but Obama over the top, instead of yielding to the state. 
  Donovan Arnold

Cathy & Jack Porter <jporter at moscow.com> wrote:
  Is there a place where I can find out who are the 13 delegates for Obama?

Thanks, Cathy =======================================================
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