[Vision2020] outdoor lighting
Tom Hansen
thansen at moscow.com
Sun Dec 21 18:23:23 PST 2008
Super cool!
Thanks, Area Man.
I knew you'd come through.
I'll pass this info on.
Thanks again, big guy.
Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho
> Tom asks about outdoor lighting.
> Title 4, Chapter 6, Section 6-15 deals with it.
> Height is restricted:
> 2. Height Standards.
> No luminaire shall exceed theheight specified for each Zoning District
> and described as the distance between grade at base of the supporting
> pole or structure to the top of the luminaire unless otherwise specified
> herein:
> a. SR, R-1, R-2, R-3: fifteen feet (15)
> b. AF, FR, R-4, R-O, NB, RTO: twenty feet (20)
> c. CB, GB, MB, I: twenty-five feet (25)
> d. U: thirty-five feet (35)
> There are also restrictions on output, and I put in bold the section
> regarding location.
> I hope this helps.
> Here's the whole thing:
> http://www.ci.moscow.id.us/citycode/TITLE04/chapter6.pdf
> § 6-15 TITLE 4 ZONING CODE § 6-15
> Sec. 6-15. Outdoor Lighting.
> 2. Height Standards.
> No luminaire shall exceed the height specified for each Zoning District
> and described as the distance between grade at base of the supporting
> pole or structure to the top of the luminaire unless otherwise specified
> herein:
> a. SR, R-1, R-2, R-3: fifteen feet (15)
> b. AF, FR, R-4, R-O, NB, RTO: twenty feet (20)
> c. CB, GB, MB, I: twenty-five feet (25)
> d. U: thirty-five feet (35)
> 3. Residential Zoning District Outdoor Lighting Standards.
> a. All outdoor lighting on property within residential Zoning Districts
> of the City shall be full cutoff with the following exceptions:
> i. All luminaires with a maximum output of four hundred (400) lumens,
> regardless of number of lamps may be left unshielded or partially
> shielded, provided that such luminaire has an opaque top or is under an
> opaque structure.
> ii. Freestanding luminaries with a maximum output of one thousand
> (1,000) lumens, regardless of number of lamps provided the lamp is
> partially shielded, the luminaire has an opaque top, or it is located
> under an opaque structure.
> iii. Partially shielded, wallmounted Luminaires located below an eave
> with a maximum output of two thousand (2,000) lumens. Examples of lamp
> types of two thousand (2000) lumens and less are:
> (a.) 100 Watt Standard Incandescent
> (b.) 15 Watt Cool White Fluorescent
> (c.) 15 Watt Compact Fluorescent
> (d.) 18 Watt Low Pressure Sodium
> iv. An angled spot or floodlight, provided that the luminaire is not
> directed more than twenty-five degrees (25°) in any direction from a
> vertical linedrawn from the center of the lamp to the surface
> directly
> below it.
> v. A partially shielded floodlight equipped with a timer that allows
> illumination only between dusk and 11:00 p.m. local time.
> vi. A luminaire activated by a motion sensor where such luminaire:
> (a.) Emits light only for a maximum of five (5) minutes per activation
> when activated;
> (b.) Is not triggered by activity off the property upon which such
> luminaire is located.
> vii. Lighting of communication and/or navigation towers required by law
> or regulation other than by their Code.
> b. Every freestanding luminaire within single family and two (2) family
> Residential Zoning Districts of the City shall be placed at a height
> equal to or less than the sum of H=(D/3)+3, where D is the distance in
> feet to the side and rear property lines from the closest point of the
> lamp and not to exceed the maximum height requirements otherwise
> specified in this Chapter, with the following exceptions:
> i. A freestanding luminaire for a parking lot associated with an
> institutional facility or any use other than a single or two (2) family
> residential and which is approved as part of a Conditional Use Permit,
> Special Use Permit, or Planned Unit Development and which is set back
> from the side and rear property lines a distance no less than the height
> of the luminaire.
> ii. Municipal outdoor lighting, as otherwise regulated by this Chapter.
> iii. Public parks, Recreation Facilities and athletic field outdoor
> lighting, as otherwise regulated by this Chapter.
> iv. A freestanding luminaire installed to illuminate a driveway or alley
> at its intersection with a street may be placed up to the street
> right-of-way line, subject to the height limitations of Section (D)(2)
> herein
> 4. Non-Residential Zoning District
> Outdoor Standards.
> All outdoor lighting in Zoning
> Districts other than Residential within the City shall be full cut-off
> with the following exceptions:
> a. Lighting of communication and/or navigation towers required by law or
> regulation other than by their Code.
> b. Lighting of public spaces and public rights of way within the Central
> Business Zoning District on the University of Idaho campus in its
> historic district provided the outdoor lighting is partially shielded
> and does not trespass on residential properties.
> 5. Municipal Outdoor Lighting.
> All outdoor lighting on property owned or managed by the City shall be
> full cut-off unless otherwise allowed herein.
> a. All existing streetlights owned, operated, or leased by the City and
> not in compliance with this Section at the time of adoption of this
> Section shall be made to be compliant with this Section within twenty
> (20) years or subject to the City of Moscow Street Light Replacement and
> Retrofit Plan as approved by Council.
> b. All newly installed streetlights owned, operated, or leased by the
> City within Residential Zoning Districts and along street frontage of
> those properties directly adjacent to Residential Zoning Districts shall
> not exceed thirty feet (30) in height except as required for City
> street intersections with traffic signals.
> 6. Outdoor Sign Lighting: All outdoor sign lighting, placement, and use,
> shall be regulated by Section 4-6-13 of this Code.
> 7. Public Parks, Recreation Facilities, and Athletic Field Lighting.
> a. All newly installed outdoor lighting in a public park, a recreation
> facility, or a ball field shall be full cutoff and not trespass on to
> adjoining property.
> b. Repair, replacement, or other modification of an existing
> noncompliant public park, recreational facility, athletic field or
> similar outdoor lighting system which meets or exceeds fifty percent
> (50%) of the replacement cost of the system, as valued on the effective
> date of this Chapter, shall be repaired, replaced, or modified so as to
> be in conformance within the current standards established herein. For
> purposes of this subsection, system shall mean the entirety of a
> coordinated grouping of luminaires necessary to provide outdoor lighting
> for the desired use(s) of a public park, recreational facility, and/or
> ball field. If no such repair, replacement or other modification occurs
> to result in compliance with this Chapter within twenty (20) years from
> the effective date of this Chapter, any such non-compliant lighting
> shall be replaced or modified with compliant lighting within twenty (20)
> years from the effective date of this Chapter.
> E. Exemptions. The following outdoor lighting may be exempted from the
> provisions of this Chapter by the
> Zoning Administrator:
> 1. Temporary Use Exemptions
> a. Outdoor lighting needed during construction projects, provided that
> reasonable mitigation measures are taken, such as partial shielding or
> placement of luminaires at an angle to minimize light trespass.
> b. Search lights for the purpose of special event advertising, provided
> that such outdoor lighting shall not exceed three (3) consecutive days
> and for not more than five (5) such events per business per year.
> c. Seasonal outdoor lighting decorations utilizing low-wattage or
> low-voltage incandescent lamps shall be permitted for public festivals,
> celebrations, and the observance of holidays except where such creates a
> nuisance.
> d. All temporary emergency lighting needed by a governmental body,
> franchise, or agency to respond to an emergency.
> e. Special event lighting on the University of Idaho campus.
> 2. Other Exemptions
> a. Federal facilities and State and Federal highways.
> b. Swimming Pool and Fountain Lighting. Underwater lighting used for the
> illumination of swimming pools and fountains is exempt from the lamp
> type and shielding standards provided herein, though it must conform to
> all other provisions of this Ordinance.
> c. Flagpole uplighting for flags of government entities, provided that
> the lit flagpole is set back a minimum of twenty feet (20) from any
> property line, does not cause light trespass, and the maximum lumen
> output does not exceed thirteen thousand (13,000) lumens in
> non-residential Zoning
> Districts and eight thousand (8,000) lumens in Residential Zoning
> Districts.
> d. Lighting on or for telecommunications or antenna towers or antenna
> support structures or any related elements thereof which is required by
> the Federal Aviation Administration or any other State or Federal agency
> having such authority.
> 3. Variance
> The Zoning Administrator may accept application to the Board of
> Adjustment for a Variance from the requirements of this Section, subject
> to the provisions of Section 8-3 of this Code.
> (Ord. 2005-03, 01/18/2005)
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