[Vision2020] School Levy Issues

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 10 15:40:40 PST 2007

  It takes a lot of effort to vote, and my vote has never made a positive impact even when it is counted for something. 
  Janesta <janesta at gmail.com> wrote:
  Why don't you vote? 

  On 11/9/07, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:     First of all, I want to disclose that I don't vote anymore, so my opinion matters little beyond this forum, however, I want to point out some concerns I have about the levy. 
  1) Can Moscow afford such a huge tax increase when you consider the already huge amount of taxes the state has been levying against its people? Can if afford a tax increase when it has lost lots of high paying jobs at UI and LHS? Can if afford a tax increase when UI has lost revenue and students that support the community? Can if afford a tax increase as the nation heads into a possible deep recession, climbing gas prices, and rising college education costs that will further reduce student attendance? According to the Idaho Department of Labor, there are only about 30 job listing in the city that pay over $10 an hour that are full time. Is that enough to keep Moscow's economy humming? 
  2) Are we sure that the $2,000,000 dollars that will be going to MSD will be spent properly and on things that will best benefit student achievement and success? Is MSD going to spend it wisely?
  3) Finally, I ask, is MSD going to include all students in its education program, including those Vocational students, or just pour more money into academia and college bound students? 
  4) Can you afford a 20% tax increase?
  If the answer to any of these is no, then I believe that is the way people should cast their ballot if they vote. If the answer to the question is yes, then that is they way they should vote. 
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