[Vision2020] New NO info...

Garrett Clevenger garrettmc at verizon.net
Fri Nov 9 23:36:26 PST 2007

J writes:
"This is YOUR work, guy.  If I'm "distorting" what YOU
have said - how?"

Again I'll say, reread my posts.  The last one
explains some "for instances."  But here is an

J writes:  
"for those of us who live next to or within a very
short distance - just over the suggested 100 feet - of
college kids who REFUSE to acknowledge that there are
families trying to put their little ones to bed at
8pm, and who's "neighbors" play their music/car
stereos at a high volume (enough to shake windows and
be heard very clearly in a home) - what do you
suggest?  That we just bare with it until 10pm? 
Measure and make sure they are within that distance
before we call the cops?"

gclev replied:
The law states that if you clearly hear it in your
home, it doesn't matter how far away you are, those
offenders are subject to citation.  You don't have to
"bare with it".

I will also add that your NO does not apply to car

Have you even read the ordinance?  Have you read the

If you do not answer these questions with "YES" then I
don't think I will respond to your emails anymore
after this one.  

If you wish to clarify your "point" I'd be happy to
read.  Most of your comments seem like extreme
generalizations and you don't answer the question I
pose.  I believe if people look back over the email
record of all this we'll see how many of the "points"
J has have been way off base and exaggerations.  I'll
let that speak for itself.

My desire to use a fan while sleeping has nothing to
do with the version of the noise ordinance J wishes to
impose on all of us.  I never said it was to drawn out
outside noise.  White noise is a recommended sleep
technique for people.  I recommend people give it a
try if they have trouble sleeping for whatever reason
may keep you awake.  Some people have insomnia and
appreciate sleep aids, but I don't think passing the
NO J wants will solve that. 

My neighborhood is fairly quiet, so I admit I don't
encounter some of the situations brought up.  But if
you look at my solutions I'm proposing, I believe they
should address the concern that this NO is intended to

I do play music.  I admit it.  But I don't think I'm a
cause of your concern.  And my neighbors want us to
open our window when we play.  I am making a sacrifice
for this NO.  I am not gaining anything.  The NO I am
proposing has more teeth than the current one, but
limits the infringements I am concerned about.  It is
called compromise and I believe is fair.  But don't
take my word for it.  You read the language of the
laws and you tell me specifically where I am wrong.  I
am tired of restating this as I'm tired most people
are of hearing about it.

Or we can take J's word, as reality may really be...

But before I bid farewell to J:

I will reveal the rest of my conspiracy.  Once my
version of the NO is passed, you will all have no
choice but to listen to me sing a capala forever and
ever.  Then I will read you the emails from J just to
make sure you are completely irritated.  It's my First
Amendment right, after all...

It's possible, too, that I'm not the only one with
"the problem" J has, so perhaps we should also realize
that to live in the kind of quiet J wishes to have,
we'd probably be living in a convent!

Thank you,


This is YOUR work, guy.  If I'm "distorting" what YOU
have said - how?

I think your "suggestions" are ridiculous and resolve

The fact that you say you have to use a fan as "white
noise" to drown out outside noise speaks volumes
regarding a problem obviously in your neighborhood,

Thanks for helping make my point. 

J  :]

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