[Vision2020] Tragedy Highlights Reasons for Concern about Sitler
J Ford
privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Fri May 25 18:10:50 PDT 2007
"Judging by the number of off-list emails I have received, most people
>are grateful for the information I have provided regarding Mr Sitler
>and his probationary status."
A. How many would that include, Dougie - 2? mayhap, 3?
B. Since we are not privvy to your e-mails, are we just to assume you are
telling the truth about those e-mail contents and/or opinions? Don't
believe I'll do that, thank you very much.
C. Just what kind of "information" have you provided and since when can
that be said to be accurate and/or even close to the truth? And just how is
it you came by that "information"?
J :]
>From: "Glenn Schwaller" <vpschwaller at gmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Tragedy Highlights Reasons for Concern about
>Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 10:05:03 -0700
>Judging by the number of off-list emails I have received, most people
>are grateful for the information I have provided regarding Mr Sitler
>and his probationary status. I have not gone through my posts line by
>line but I shall, and attempt to identify what I have written that
>leads you to think I am "trying to convince (you that you) really have
>nothing to worry about with respect to . . .Steven Sitler."
>My first post addressed a "general" question by Mr Hansen on sex
>offender registration. I assumed he was referring to Mr Sitler's
>pending release, but he did not mention any names.
>Subsequent posts were designed to answer questions on what I
>understand to be the specifics of Mr Sitler's probation, and how
>things would be monitored. If the tenor of those posts made it sound
>as if you have nothing to worry about, that was most certainly NOT my
>intention. At the risk of sounding repetitive, "Here are the
>guidelines P & P will most likely follow." How well those guidelines
>will be followed, how effectively Mr Sitler will be monitored, how
>morally or ethically correct those guidelines are, I cannot say. All
>I can do is try to give information.
>As I stated in one post "I suppose one could always call P & P and
>voice one's concerns to the resident corrections people in Moscow. I
>suspect they like to keep on top of what the locals think and would
>like to know." The last time I checked there was one (1) inquiry.
> "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people
>to do nothing." Well I guess one is better than none.
>"whose real name most of us have figured out"
>At the risk of sound "apologetic" once again, I'm sorry but Glenn
>Schwaller lives, breathes,and exists. No, I am NOT who you think I am
>"hid(ing) behind a pseudonym for the umpteenth time . . ."
>"Schwaller" holds out to us as empty reassurance that our children are
>I have done no such thing. Are the two P & P officers in Latah county
>overworked? I think that goes without saying. Is that a good thing?
>Of course not. Do I think things could and should be better? Of
>course. Would I trust Mr Sitler with my kids? With any kids? Of
>course not. Would I trust him under the direct supervision of an
>approved chaperone? Only if I had to, but I would do whatever is
>necessary to keep my kids as far away from Mr Sitler as possible -
>chaperoned or not. Would I point out to my kids who Mr Sitler is and
>why they need to avoid him? Of course.
>I would hope that Mr Sitler's situation, and the recent tragedy
>inflicted by Mr Hamilton would serve as a wake-up all for all to
>rethink and re-evaluate how our justice and corrections system is
>funded and functions.
>I'm sorry you think I am playing games with you and your children and
>their safety. I assure you I do no such thing.
>On 5/21/07, Saundra Lund <sslund at roadrunner.com> wrote:
> > Visionaires:
> >
> > Apologist "Glenn Schwaller" -- whose real name most of us have figured
> > despite his cowardice of unsuccessfully trying to hide behind a
> > for the umpteenth time -- has spent more than a fair amount of cyber-ink
> > trying to convince us we really have nothing to worry about with respect
> > the Kirk's serial (although our anemic system sought justice for only
>one of
> > his victims) pedophile Steven Sitler.
> >
> > After all, "Schwaller" shrilly insists, Sitler has had limits placed on
> > as a result of his conviction and sentencing, plus he's subject to
> > by P&P.
> >
> > While there are still many unknowns, we now know Jason Hamilton had
> > placed on him as a result of his conviction. Hamilton, too, was under
> > oversight of P&P, the same P&P "Schwaller" holds out to us as empty
> > reassurance that our children are safe.
> >
> > One of the terms of Hamilton's 6 June 2006 conviction and resulting
> > probation was that he wasn't to possess any firearms.
> >
> > The Latah County Prosecutor's Office brought Hamilton up on unspecified
> > probation violation charge(s) 4 April 2007.
> >
> > Hamilton appeared in court just last Tuesday, 15 May 2007, where he
> > apparently was allowed to remain free in spite of probation
> >
> > In addition to the two semi-automatic rifles Hamilton used in his
>attacks on
> > his wife and our community, other guns have now been found in his home
> > well.
> >
> > This in spite of the terms placed on him as a result of his conviction.
> > This in spite of his oversight by P&P.
> >
> > Yeah, our children are safe from Steven Sitler: those conditions and
> > oversight by P&P will keep our kids safe. Yeahhhh, riigghhtt.
> >
> > I'm sure questions will be asked in the coming days and weeks about how
> > P&P officers we have in Latah County, how heavy their case loads are,
> > how Hamilton managed to have several guns in spite of the terms of his
> > probation and his monitoring by P&P.
> >
> > For now, I just want to point out *exactly* how dangerous a game
> > has been trying to play -- unsuccessfully, I hope -- with those of us
> > care about *all* the children in our community.
> >
> >
> > Saundra Lund
> > Moscow, ID
> >
> > The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to
> > nothing.
> > - Edmund Burke
> >
> > ***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2006 through life
> > 70 years, Saundra Lund. Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce
> > the Vision 2020 forum without the express written permission of the
> > author.*****
> >
> >
> >
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