[Vision2020] Taxpayer Rights

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri May 11 18:31:16 PDT 2007

Tom Ivie,
  Good point, except we vote for the President every four years. An indefinite levy tax, we don't get to vote on every four years. To me, an indefinite levy tax is the same as voting for a president for life,or indefinite. I think the people of Moscow should get to vote every so many years (say 4, 5, or 6) on what kind of taxation we need. Taking a vote in 1992 and letting it ride though thick and thin till 2007 without any type of confirmation is stretching the law and rights of taxpayers a bit thin in my opinion. 

Tom Ivie <the_ivies3 at yahoo.com> wrote:
  I thought about this for a little while and decided that it is much like voting for a President.  Someone elected without a "mandate" can still become President (Clinton).  A "simple" majority (even if decided by a court) can still make you President (Bush II).  When we vote, those of us 18 and older, are voting for those who can't yet vote (those not 18 and not yet legal to vote yet -as in immigrants). But they have to live with the outcome of that vote until the next opportunity arises that they MAY be able to vote if they have become of age or legal to vote -become a U.S. citizen.  

Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:     The Wietz lawsuit raises some important questions in my mind, particularly regarding taxpayers and their rights. 
  Is it fair, first off, to have a vote to pay taxes for an indefinite amount of time? Seems rather unfair, voting to tax people in the future that have not been given the right to decide what tax level they feel is fair. Being told, "People in the past already voted and so you don't get to decide, ever, unless of course you want to raise the tax rate."--hardly seems reasonable to me. 
  Second, at what point is the minority tax payer able to rebel against the taxes levied upon him/her by the majority? What rights do they have to protect them from out right exploitation and thievery by the tax levying democratic majority?
  Third, are property taxes even fair or just? Taxing people on where they live, even knocking those on fixed incomes right outta their homes?
  Finally, placing the entire burden of running schools, the largest expense, squarely on the back of property owners seems rather harsh, is not greatly unjust. 
  What do you think? Am I wrong to think that there should be some limits placed on what the democratic majority can do to the minority taxpayer that just feels completely robbed and stripped of the fruits of their hard labor? Is it possible Gerry Wietz and other feel the same way?
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