[Vision2020] yes, Weitz is suing Moscow School District

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Sat May 5 15:12:57 PDT 2007

Tommy "Imus" Hansen wrote:
  "Rose Huskey’s and Saundra Lund’s complaint dealt strictly with property tax.  That’s a county thing, Arnold.  Last word I heard was that both Ms. Huskey and Ms. Lund both reside within Latah County."
  You are obviously unaware that Dr. Weitz lives in the MSD. Viola is in the MSD, that is where he lives. Just as Huskey and Lund live in the county and were complaining about county taxes, Dr. Weitz lives in the MSD and is complaining about MSD taxes. 
  "Why doesn't the Co-Op have a psycho welcome guy [like Wal-Mart]?" --Tom Hansen, April 27, 2007

Tom Hansen <thansen at moscow.com> wrote:
        st1\:*{behavior:url(#default#ieooui) }                Arnold inquires:
  “Finally, I must ask, why you believe that Saundra Lund and Rosemary Husky had standing to file a complaint against New St. Andrew's as taxpayers?”
  Rose Huskey’s and Saundra Lund’s complaint dealt strictly with property tax.  That’s a county thing, Arnold.  Last word I heard was that both Ms. Huskey and Ms. Lund both reside within Latah County.
  Seeya at the Fair, Moscow.
  Tom Hansen
  Moscow, Idaho
  " . . . wording plays a big part in understand[ing] the nature and meaning a verse written two thousand years ago in a different language, and some Bibles just have it plain wrong."

- Donovan Arnold (August 23, 2005) 

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