[Vision2020] Invitation to Count Basie's Memorial Tree Planting at the Dog Park Friday, 3/30/07 at 4 PM

Linda Pall lpall at moscow.com
Wed Mar 28 18:16:05 PDT 2007

Dear Visionaries,

You are cordially invited to join me and my surviving English Setter, Ella Fitzgerald, as we plant a beautiful scarlet oak at Moscow's Dog Park (2019 White Avenue) in loving memory of her brother, Count Basie, who passed away this past January.

He was a great dog with a wonderful personality... brought sunshine into a lot of lives and was a great rhythm man besides, after his namesake! We will have dog treats and people treats but noone will have to beg...

The City of Moscow Dog Park is open to such donations and has a group, the Friends of the Dog Park Committee, that will be meeting soon to brainstorm some projects for the existing park as well as the possibility of a second dog park on the north side of town. Call me (882-7255) or e-mail me if you are interested in being part of the Friends of the Dog Park Committee (authorized by the Parks and Recreation Commission). We can have a lot of fun and do some good at the same time!

Hope to see you Friday afternoon!

All the best,

Linda Pall
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