[Vision2020] School Administration and Oversight (from the BLog)

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Sun Mar 25 11:05:17 PDT 2007

On 3/25/07, g. crabtree <jampot at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Why, exactly, should a private organization be required (forced) to disclose
> agreements between itself and private individuals? Is the satisfaction of
> your curiosity so urgent as to compel the revelation of information to which
> you have no legitimate reason or need to possess? (which was the point of my
> noninvasive and reasonable remarks in the first place.

Gary --

Look up the term "private inurement." It explains why claiming
501(c)(3) status while writing huge royalty checks to members of your
board of directors is a tremendously bad idea.

-- ACS

* Actually, though, none of Christ Church's associated businesses
claim 501(c)(3) status -- they claim "tax immunity", which is a wholly
different (and mythical) beast.

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