[Vision2020] Childish beliefs

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Thu Mar 15 15:06:53 PDT 2007

A letter from a retired NASA scientist, who is a graduate of WSU.


Letters to the Editor
The Idaho Statesman
Edition Date: 03/15/07

Bush supporters

Have you noticed how much Bush supporters and religious  
fundamentalists (who are often the same people) depend upon fiction  
to support their childish beliefs?

Consider global warming. Several local letter writers have cited the  
book "State of Fear" as their basis for not accepting the truth of  
global warming. This is a novel not a work of science!

Supporters of Bush's war for oil in Iraq relied on the fiction that  
Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

Creationists rely for support on the anti-science rantings of  
uneducated theocrats who want to take us back to the Dark Ages when  
religion ruled the Western World and people were forbidden to think  
on penalty of death.

Perhaps Bush supporters and religious fundamentalists ("fundies")  
should heed the words of the apostle Paul in his first epistle to the  
Thessalonians: "Prove all things; hold fast that which is good" (5:21).

Once the fundies decide to rely on proof instead of blind belief they  
will see the truth of global warming; the truth about Bush's lies  
regarding Iraq; and the truth about evolution.

If Americans want to save their souls from eternal damnation they  
will not believe fundamentalist lies (Rev. 21:8).

Gary L. Bennett, Emmett

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