[Vision2020] And you all say that we have a political agenda?!

heirdoug at netscape.net heirdoug at netscape.net
Thu Mar 15 07:25:16 PDT 2007

District gags 14-year-olds after 'gay' indoctrination: 'Confidentiality' promise requires students 'not to tell their parents'
It is important to understand the distinction between endorsed speech in schools and allowed speech in schools. When something is mandatory and the kids must attend, then it is endorsed speech. This is not a matter of freedom of speech; rather, it is pushing an agenda. As I’ve said before, homosexuals have made the public schools their recruiting grounds for years. 
Citizen Link broke this. 
Parents of freshmen at Chicago's Deerfield High School say students are required to attend lectures on gay sexuality, and then sign a contract forbidding them to talk about it afterward.
Ellen Waltz's son and his friends told her about the lectures -- delivered by other students -- and the contract.
"[They said,] 'We had to sit there and listen to them tell us about their feelings and what it's like to be gay,' " Waltz said. "They make them sign a contract stating that they won't say anything that's in the room."
Lora Sue Hauser, a school-issues adviser for North Shore Student Advocacy, said a group of boys told her school officials threatened those who were reluctant to sign the contract.
"[They were told] 'You will sign this or you will go to the dean,' " Hauser said.
More details from World Net Daily: 
Officials at Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Ill., have ordered their 14-year-old freshman class into a "gay" indoctrination seminar, after having them sign a confidentiality agreement promising not to tell their parents. 
"This is unbelievable," said Matt Barber, policy director for cultural issues for Concerned Women for America. "It's not enough that students at Deerfield High are being exposed to improper and offensive material relative to unhealthy and high-risk homosexual behavior, but they've essentially been told by teachers to lie to their parents about it." 
In what CWA called a "shocking and brazen act of government abuse of parental rights," the school's officials required the 14-year-olds to attend a "Gay Straight Alliance Network" panel discussion led by "gay" and "lesbian" upperclassmen during a "freshman advisory" class which "secretively featured inappropriate discussions of a sexual nature in promotion of high-risk homosexual behaviors." 
"This goes to the heart of the homosexual agenda," Barber said. "The professional propagandists in the 'gay-rights' lobby know the method all too well. If you can maintain control of undeveloped and impressionable youth and spoon-feed them misinformation, lies and half-truths about dangerous, disordered and extremely risky behaviors, then you can control the future and ensure that those behaviors are not only fully accepted, but celebrated." 
He said not only is forcing students to be exposed to the pro-homosexual propaganda bad enough, but then school officials further required that students sign the "confidentiality agreement" through which they promised not to tell anyone - including their own parents - about the seminar. 
Barber said that also aligns with the goals of the disinformation campaign being run by those in the pro-homosexual camp. "That's what homosexual activists from GSA are attempting to do, and that's what DHS is clearly up to as well."
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