[Vision2020] Legislative Update from Rep. Trail

ttrail at moscow.com ttrail at moscow.com
Mon Mar 12 05:51:28 PDT 2007



We should be closing up shop here at the Idaho Legislature within the next
two weeks.   The predictions range all the way from this coming Friday to
the 23rd.   Economic projections indicate a downturn in the economy. Tax
revenues are $30 million below projection for the last two months so with
this dampening news much of the one time surplus funds may go into reserve
funds or the budget stabilization fund.    It is also of interest that the
Idaho unemployment rate hit 2.8% which is close to the record all time low.
   There is also the pressure to wind up shop simply because reconstruction
of the Capitol is supposed to begin on April 1st.   Here are some of the
highlights of the week.

  1.  HB245  --  Personal property tax on business  --  This IACI  based
bill sailed through the House 49-20.   Even though the bill has a $50,000
cap which will benefit many small businesses, it still means a tax shift of
about $9.2 million this year.  The total tax shift which will impact home
owners and businesses will be about $92 over an 8 year period.   The impact
in Latah County will be a shift of $1.3 million which will be picked up by
home owners and businesses.

  2.  English as Idaho's Official Language  --  This bill passed the Senate
and, no doubt, will pass the House.  The bill is basically political and
even the sponsors say it won't make any major changes.   Many of us think
it simply sends the wrong message.  I'm puzzled because as I remember my
American history the Continental Congress back about 1783 voted to approve
English as the official language of the U.S. English beat out German by 3
votes.   Supporters of the measure also say that states that have passed
legislation to make English the official language can demonstrate this
helps promote faster learning of English among those who are not fluent in
its usage.    The research indicates there is no evidence to back up the claim.

  3.  University of Idaho Livestock and Environmental Center  --  JFAC
approved a $10 million expenditure for the state's share of a proposed
livestock research centers in the Magic.    This must still be approved by
the House and Senate.   The University of Idaho will have to come up with a
$10 million match as part of its share and has two years to come up with
the money.

  4.  HCR08  --  Human Rights  --  this resolution passed the Senate on a
7-0 margin.   There was excellent testimony from the Idaho Human Rights
Commission, The Idaho Human Education Rights Center, and the Interfaith
Alliance that violation of human rights in the U.S. and the State is on the
increase. About a week ago swastikas were placed on the Boise Islamic
Center and several businesses.  It also appears that the Aryan Brotherhood
(a gang out of L.A.) is trying to recruit students into gangs.   The
resolution goes on to the full Senate.

  5.  HB172  --  Identity protection of victims of domestic violence.  
This bill actually passed the House Jud and Rules Committee.  Rep. Ringo
and I had to go back with several amendments to be approved by the
committee.   All of a sudden they started to debate the bill rather than
the amendments, and it was defeated on a 9-7 vote.    This was very unusual
and also very disappointing, but we will bring back the legislation again
next year.

  6.  Grocery Tax  --  The House passed a bill which would raise the
grocery tax credit to $50 from $20 for most Idahoans.  The Governor has his
proposed plan and there are two others.  All are up on the 14th amending
order in the Senate.  No doubt, there will be some compromises, but it will
be one on the last bills to clear the Legislature.  The Senate Local
Government and Tax Committee currently is holding all bills with tax
exemptions that passed the Senate. I've been supporting the Committee to
try and take a stand to develop an accountability system to examine all of
the exemptions.  This is long overdue.

We will voting on many appropriation bills coming out of JFAC this week. 
The Ag Committee may actually get the Elk Ranching bill with amendments.  
I'd appreciate your comments.   My e mail is ttrail at house.idaho.gov and my
phone is 208-332-1260.

Rep. Tom Trail

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