[Vision2020] Words Bring Pause

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Sun Mar 11 22:57:26 PDT 2007

Pat, don't forget that in 1846 the United States made war against  
Mexico and grabbed almost half of their country: what is now New  
Mexico, Arizona, California, Utah, and Nevada. There was also talk  
about conquering Canada. The slogan of the Polk campaign was "54 40  
or fight!" This is the latitude of the southern end of the Alaska  
Panhandle. The US bought, not conquered, Alaska from Russia. But  
wiser heads prevailed and Canada was not conquered as well. Please  
learn your history, Pat.


Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com

Sun Mar 11 23:25:10 PDT 2007

Why now? Because the illegal aliens crossing our southern border are  
more than pushy about Spanish. Pay attention, there is a growing  
group of
them who want all the land that was Spanish back and are willing to  
go to
war over it. Did you notice all those Mexican flags protesting? When  
all our
ancestors came they were ready to give up their culture and become  
for the most part. This group wants us to become them and eliminate  
us and
who we have become.

My family and yours worked hard to get the USA where it is and I am not
willing to lose it over language.

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