[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Committee Agenda

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Mar 9 16:43:04 PST 2007

MARCH 19**





Monday, March 12, 2007
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor 

1.      Approval of Minutes February 26, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Disbursement Report for February 2007 - Don Palmer


3.      Lande Lane Lot Division and Adjustment - Andrew Ackerman

This proposal is a revised from the originally submitted Lot Division
that was presented to Public Works/Finance on December 11, 2006.  The
newly proposed division would create three (3) building lots from the
existing two (2) and dedicate additional right-of-way allowing Lande
Lane to be extended northward on the property, including construction of
a City standard cul-de-sac, paved roadway with curb and sidewalk, and
public pathway within the easement that bisects the property in a
north-south alignment. The property is located in the Moderate Density
Single Family Residential (R-2) Zoning District that has a minimum lot
size of 7,000 sq. ft.  The new lots would exceed the minimum lot size
and allow for adequately sized building envelopes as well as creating a
paved cul-de-sac at the north end of Lande Lane allowing for adequate
emergency and service truck turn-a-around. Finally, a portion of the
original Lot 1, Blk B (approx. 2,800 sq. ft.) would become, through the
adjustment of the eastern lot line, part of the Irene Johnson property.
The reconfiguration of the original lots would not result in any
non-conformities with either the Zoning Code or the Subdivision Code and
permit much needed public improvements.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot division and adjustment or take
such other action deemed appropriate.


4.      Tiempo Commons Monumentation Agreement - Dean Weyen

Another Way Enterprises, L.L.C., a Washington State Corporation, is the
owner of the recently approved Tiempo Commons Subdivision.   The
interior lot corners will not be set until after the earthwork has been
completed, most likely late next year.  An agreement obligating the
establishment of these interior corners is necessary as per State Code.
Both the final plat and the Development Agreement were previously
approved by Council.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the monumentation agreement or take such
other action deemed appropriate.


5.      Taylor Lot Line Adjustment - Andrew Ackerman

Mark & Joanna Taylor own two adjacent properties at 714 Mabelle St. and
715 E. Lewis St. and wish to adjust the lot lines such that the Mabelle
St. property would extend north, taking in an existing garage that faces
Lewis St. The adjustment would increase the Mabelle lot by 3,358 sq. ft.
and reduce the Lewis St. lot by the same amount. The property is located
in the Medium Density Residential (R-3) Zoning District that has a
minimum lot size of 6,000 sq. ft. The new lots would exceed the minimum
lot size and meet setbacks of the R-3 District. The reconfiguration of
the two lots would not result in any non-conformities with either the
Zoning Code or the Subdivision Code.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the lot line adjustment or take such
other action deemed appropriate.



Joseph Street Bridge Public Meeting Briefing - Dean Weyen


Future Agenda Items

Third Street Pedestrian Bridge Budget Funding - Les MacDonald (3/26)

Possible Funding Sources for Sidewalks Associated with Highway 8 Street
Work - Les MacDonald


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.


Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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