[Vision2020] Follow up - Islam the religion of peace!

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Mon Jun 11 18:14:47 PDT 2007

On 6/11/07, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Andreas writes:
> "Over 150 times more Americans died during World War II than have died
> to terrorists since the beginning of the 20th century. Your comparison
> is insulting to both the people that gave their lives fighting fascism
> in WWII and to basic principles of reason."
> Your dishonesty knows know bounds and frightens me Andreas. I never compared
> WWII to the current war in Iraq in terms of magnitude. Please discontinue
> your hyperbole strawman arguments as the premise for each of your arguments.
> We are not in a courtroom.

If this war is nothing like World War II in its magnitude, then why
did we suspend habeas corpus in order to fight it? Why have we allowed
an enormous extrajudicial detention system to be built across the
world? We're talking about serious violations of the basic rule of
law, here, Donovan. People are not to be detained wihtout trial,
people accused of comitting crimes are to have due process, and habeas
corpus is only to be suspended in times of armed insurrection. Period.

If you want to talk about altering the Constitution in order to do
these things, then, fine: I'll take that bet. Surreptitiously changing
the basic principles upon which this country was founded over
something that, as tragic as it was, only ever caused three thousand
deaths, is bullshit from top to bottom.

The remainder of your post is right-wing blather; nonsense that's been
refuted so many times I don't need to bother with it*. The people
fighting us in Iraq are, by and large, Iraqis.  We are in their
country. We attacked them without provocation, after they decided to
comply with UN weapons inspections. Our troops are legitimate military

Calling them "terrorists" conflates them with the people that would
attack us at home, and is fundamentally dishonest.

-- ACS

* If anyone else is interested in debunking the "foreign fighters"
myth, you might start with the CSIS study on the topic several months

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