[Vision2020] Can Gun Control Reduce Crime? (was 11 year girl)

Andreas Schou ophite at gmail.com
Thu Jul 26 11:27:49 PDT 2007

On 7/26/07, heirdoug at netscape.net <heirdoug at netscape.net> wrote:
> I found this to be similar to what I was taught 40 years ago as a small
> boy by my father, a nine year veteran of the Berkly PD and a 35 year
> veteran of the Army.  I know of two sheriffs departments and one police
> department who believe the same thing. An armed populace is the best
> deterrent to violent crime. As G.Gordan Liddy's wife told her 5
> children when face to face with a burglar, "Watch children while mommy
> scatters the bad man's brains all over the wall."

This is why countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, where every adult
owns an assault rifle, are amongst the most peaceful in the world,
quite unlike the apocalyptic dystopia of Great Britain, where no one

-- ACS

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