[Vision2020] Sitler wore his NSA uniform; Mr. Schwaller did not appear

Dougs Hero bherodotus at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 2 17:41:18 PDT 2007

Judge John Stegner set July 20 for an evidentiary
hearing in the Steven Sitler case today. In other
developments, Sitler added Sunil Ramalingam to his
defense team, which may be a calculated move by the
defense’s pastor to help CONTROL THE CONVERSATION on
the Viz. Time will tell.

Sitler wore his NSA uniform (suit & tie), though he
did not sport the binoculars that daddy gave him. Dave
& Roxy appeared as well, looking like the proud
parents of a serial pedophile who were more concerned
that their son roam the streets than with the constant
threat he posed to society. No one from the Kult
appeared, including Pastor Douglas Wilson who less
than two years ago vouched for the psychopath’s

No one knows the identity of mystery guest Suzy Q, and
Mr. Schwaller did not appear.

Dougs’ Hero

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