[Vision2020] Ice Rink - Some light on why it is located at the Fairgrounds

Chris Storhok cstorhok at co.fairbanks.ak.us
Thu Jan 25 13:19:36 PST 2007

I don't think the fairgrounds are too small, just poorly laid out.  The
riding arena is a great example of the poor design; what if local riders
were to work with the ice rink folks to design a more efficient lay out.
Both facilities can share the same parking areas, bathrooms, concession
stands, and small meeting rooms.  Turn the riding arena 90 degrees, add
in the correct infrastructure to support loading and unloading,
handling, add better soils and so forth I know a nice riding arena/rodeo
grounds can easily become part of the fairgrounds.  

As for exhibition halls for the 4-H groups, I am very sure that if an
indoor ice rink/convention center/exhibit hall was designed correctly
that facility would once again allow better displays of 4-H projects.  

I really believe that if a good master plan were prepared by qualified
architects who listen well to the various user groups, neighbors, and
the general public; a nice fully functional fairground can come out the
current problems.  There is more than enough acreage on the site and
plenty of street parking to support the fair, the site works.     

I have hunch that for a few million dollars the county can take care of
the deficiencies of the current fairgrounds and maintain the unique
nature of the fairgrounds.  The other alternative is just too expensive
with too little of a return on the investment.
Chris S.


-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of April Fingerlos
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2007 11:55 AM
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Ice Rink - Some light on why it is located at

>From a lurker coming out of hiding...

For some groups, the fairgrounds is too small NOW, and has been for
years. Kids participating in the 4-H horse project must complete their
projects at the county show in late June, because their is no room to
show off their accomplishments and progress to the community at the
September fair. As a graduate of the Canyon County 4-H program, I find
this very disheartening.

Local riding clubs would LOVE to use the arena to host horse shows and
clinics, but it's too small--not the arena, but the available space
outside the arena. There simply isn't enough trailer parking to make it
a viable and profitable location for more than a tiny show. Many 4-H
groups would like to use the grounds for fundraiser horse shows, but are
forced to limit their advertising--and resulting income--to plan for the
available space. Add the questionable footing, lack of water and lack of
perimeter fencing for small shows, and stalls, wash racks, and a warmup
arena for medium-sized shows, and, well, you see the problem. 


April Fingerlos
Moscow, ID

>>> "david sarff" <davesway at hotmail.com> 1/25/2007 12:30:01 pm >>>
I predict that the fairgrounds will be too small within roughly 20

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