[Vision2020] A Must-See Video -- Cellular Visions: The Inner Life of a Cell

Mark Solomon msolomon at moscow.com
Thu Feb 22 17:23:59 PST 2007

Thanks for the link Doug. An awesome video, especially for anyone who 
remembers their evolutionary cell biology.


At 7:20 PM -0500 2/22/07, heirdoug at netscape.net wrote:
>Praise be to Darwin!
>>From Studio Daily - Cellular Visions: The Inner Life of a Cell
>Nuclei, proteins and lipids move with bug-like authority, 
>slithering, gliding and twisting through 3D space. "All of those 
>things that you see in the animation are going on in every one of 
>your cells in your body all the time," says XVIVO lead animator John 
>Liebler, who worked with company partners David Bolinsky, XVIVO's 
>medical director, and Mike Astrachan, the project's production 
>director, to blend the academic data and narrative from Harvard's 
>faculty into a fluid visual interpretation. "First, we couldn't have 
>known where to begin with all of this material without significant 
>work done by Alain Viel, Ph.D. [associate director of undergraduate 
>research at Harvard University], who wrote and guided the focus to 
>include the essential processes that needed to be described to 
>complement the curriculum and sustain an interesting narrative. I've 
>been in the medical animation field for seven years now, so I'm a 
>little jaded, but I still get surprised by things. For instance, in 
>the animation there's a motor protein that's sort of walking along a 
>line, carrying this round sphere of lipids. When I started working 
>on that section I admit I was kind of surprised to see that it 
>really does look like it's out for a stroll, like a character in a 
>science fiction film or animation. But based on all the data, it's a 
>completely accurate rendering."
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