[Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 14 16:18:31 PST 2007


You truly are a tool. Lost in the sauce! But I'll try to come to your level 
and break it done for ya.

What church or organization doesn't try to support those that have the same 
beliefs. EX. if a person is Catholic and has a choice of two coffee shops 
and one is owned by another catholic, why wouldn't they shop at that store. 
It happens in all beliefs J! Not just the evil CCers.

Two; they do pay taxes. Its called sales and property tax. Many ccers have 
houses, thus paying taxes. Simple as that.

D; What have you done for my business? I'll stick with my loyal customers. 
Are they keeping my business afloat? Sure as shit helping out. As well as 
all the other great customers of mine.

J wake up to reality and either start your own hate sight or stop with your 


>From: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues
>Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:48:43 -0800
>Boy, have you bought into their line of crap.  If a business uses only 
>their own suppliers, their own distributors and their own people buy from 
>them, just how is that a benefit to the community as a whole?  And since 
>most if not all of them go LLC or non-profit, how does that help?  They 
>don't pay the same amount of taxes IF they pay at all.   And again, if Doug 
>has a problem with someone in the church who owns a business, that business 
>does not last long.  Remember Zume's?  'Course not, that would be too easy 
>for you.  Most of them are homeschooled or go to Logos/NSA.  Again, a 
>non-benefit to the community as a whole.
>Do they buy from the community?  Yes - WalMart! Big businesses like that 
>where the money or profits don't stay here.  Do they buy from small 
>businesses?  Sometimes.  Again, ONLY when they can't buy from a church 
>BUT, the main issue is about having the NSA in a valuable tax-able 
>realestate that could be helping the other businesses in the CBD if it were 
>a tax-paying company in that building.  AND, they got in there illegally, 
>have had laws changed for them so they can stay there (know any other 
>business in town that gets that kind of treatment no matter what project? 
>NO!)  The parking is just one issue that even they recognize among 
>themselves as existing.
>I'm glad you have FOUR people from the CC that have used your business.  I 
>mean - bully for you!  I am sure those four are not keeping you floating, 
>now are they?
>J  :]
>>From: "Matt Decker" <mattd2107 at hotmail.com>
>>To: privatejf32 at hotmail.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
>>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues
>>Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:15:01 -0800
>>Sure J, I might actually believe the never ending garbage that comes out 
>>of your mouth, if for once you said something nice or show what benefits 
>>they can and have brought to this community. For example: everytime they 
>>buy something from this community the dollar stays here. Whether its 
>>businesses ran by other church members or if its my business, which I have 
>>at least 4 members that have purchased sprinklers from me. I in turn spend 
>>my money locally thus keeping the money here. Some taxes stay here but 
>>more importantly profits stay here.
>>>From: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>
>>>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues
>>>Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:56:43 -0800
>>>No, just out of the CBD since it is NOT a business nor is it what the 
>>>Council in the past much less the one now, had in mind when the CBD was 
>>>first developed.  There are plenty of "school zone areas" that it could 
>>>move to.  The only reason NSA doesn't move is because they have sunk 
>>>their heels in and are throwing a hissy fit - "You can't make me!".
>>>They want to stay in Moscow or even Latah County - GREAT.  But not in the 
>>>CBD where they are taking up valuable taxable realestate.  Simple.
>>>J  :]
>>>>From: "Matt Decker" <mattd2107 at hotmail.com>
>>>>To: privatejf32 at hotmail.com, vision2020 at moscow.com
>>>>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues
>>>>Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 07:04:39 -0800
>>>>"Get the "school" out of the CBD whose students take up valuable parking
>>>>>spaces, that doesn't pay taxes nor contribute to the overall economic 
>>>>>of the CBD except and ONLY when their church's business' can not 
>>>>>what they are looking for!"
>>>>You mean like outside of Moscow or even Latah county. That would solve 
>>>>the problem right.
>>>>>From: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>
>>>>>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>>>>>Subject: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way and other NSA Issues
>>>>>Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 17:03:05 -0800
>>>>>Get the "school" out of the CBD whose students take up valuable parking
>>>>>spaces, that doesn't pay taxes nor contribute to the overall economic 
>>>>>of the CBD except and ONLY when their church's business' can not 
>>>>>what they are looking for!
>>>>>BTW, is anyone outside of Atwood aware of the fact that Idaho Graduate
>>>>>Schools will NOT accept NSA's degree or GRE test scores because the 
>>>>>is NOT regionally accredited?  It only has accreditation from an
>>>>>organization that supports its beliefs and educational goals, which is
>>>>>admittedly focused and very narrow
>>>>>As reported in the Lewiston Trib:
>>>>>"A student who scored perfect marks on a top graduate school admittance 
>>>>>probably can't go to an Idaho university, the president of a Christian
>>>>>college in Moscow told the House Education Committee Monday.
>>>>>His school's 200 students contribute to the community as they pursue
>>>>>"classical Christian" studies, said Roy Atwood, president of New Saint
>>>>>Andrews College.
>>>>>Those bright students also score among the top 3 percent in ACT and SAT
>>>>>college entrance exams. But once the students get a Saint Andrews 
>>>>>Idaho universities won't take them into graduate programs because Saint
>>>>>Andrews is not regionally accredited.
>>>>>"The students are great assets to us while they are here and they'd be 
>>>>>asset if they stayed longer," Atwood said.
>>>>>One student scored perfect 800s on the three major sections of the 
>>>>>Record Examination, a standardized test commonly used for admittance 
>>>>>English-speaking graduate programs. That student probably will not stay 
>>>>>Idaho even if he wants to, Atwood said.
>>>>>"Our senior with the perfect GRE score could go anywhere in the world, 
>>>>>... our state's public universities won't consider their applications
>>>>>because we are nationally accredited," Atwood said.
>>>>>The Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools 
>>>>>Saint Andrews on a national level. But regional accreditation is nearly
>>>>>impossible for religious institutions because of "increasing 
>>>>>of "hostile" accrediting bodies, Atwood told the Lewiston Tribune.
>>>>>For instance, Catholic universities have fallen short of regional
>>>>>accreditation standards because of the traditional focus on educating 
>>>>>for positions of church leadership, Atwood said.
>>>>>"It really is part of the culture wars," Atwood said.
>>>>>Last year, the Idaho State Board of Education considered requiring 
>>>>>accreditation for the state's religious schools. The state board 
>>>>>dropped the
>>>>>idea, which would have been disastrous for Saint Andrews, Atwood said. 
>>>>>instance, the regional bodies might require standards that espouse 
>>>>>ideals, a philosophy rejected by Saint Andrews officials, he said.
>>>>>"Those are the pressures coming to bear on faith-based organizations,"
>>>>>Atwood said.
>>>>>Atwood gave his brief presentation about his college at the invitation 
>>>>>Rep. Tom Trail, R-Moscow. Atwood was seeking no state assistance. 
>>>>>the college keeps a fair distance from government -- even steering 
>>>>>clear of
>>>>>federal grant and loan programs. The college has been the center of 
>>>>>community debate because of controversy surrounding the beliefs of the
>>>>>school's founders."
>>>>>J  :]
>>>>> >From: "g. crabtree" <jampot at adelphia.net>
>>>>> >To: <pcook818 at adelphia.net>, <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>>>>> >Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way
>>>>> >Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 16:53:24 -0800
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Mr. Cook,
>>>>> >
>>>>> >Please don't get me wrong, I do think that the survey will 
>>>>> >measure the communities perception of the parking problem. I just 
>>>>> >think that perceptions are as important as realities. I also think 
>>>>> >it's a mistake for the city to devote too many resources to a dimly
>>>>> >perceived "subjective and political" problem it can't do much to 
>>>>> >anyway. The undeniable facts of the matter are that there are x 
>>>>>number of
>>>>> >business's, y no. of parking spaces, and z no. of potential shoppers.
>>>>> >Realistically, which of those variables can or should the city 
>>>>> >
>>>>> >g
>>>>> >----- Original Message -----
>>>>> >From: "Philip Cook" <pcook818 at adelphia.net>
>>>>> >To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>>>>> >Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:54 AM
>>>>> >Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > Mr. Crabtree,
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > You are correct that two additional surveys focusing on customers 
>>>>> >employees are planned.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > I disagree with your and Mr. Deco's assertions that the survey nor 
>>>>> >surveyors are objective.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > You are correct that the survey is designed to measure 
>>>>>perceptions, but
>>>>> >it is designed to measure them objectively. The measurement of 
>>>>> >of  downtown parking problems is the goal of the survey. The data 
>>>>> >by this survey and the others, along with engineering data, will help
>>>>> >inform the political discussions about management of downtown 
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Yes, I serve on the Transportation Commission, but I also spent 
>>>>>much of
>>>>> >my graduate academic training and early career designing, 
>>>>>implementing, and
>>>>> >reporting the results of surveys. I have observed and participated in 
>>>>> >design of this survey and have seen nothing that leads me to the 
>>>>> >that it will not be objective. I will let you know if something 
>>>>> >that assessment. Please let me know if you have evidence otherwise, 
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > The time where objectivity is always questionable, and indeed
>>>>> >impossible, is in the interpretation of (objectively gathered) data 
>>>>> >recommendations for changes based on the results. Each of us, 
>>>>>regardless of
>>>>> >training, political persuasion, etc., brings our own experiences, 
>>>>> >and biases to the table when we interpret results and talk about 
>>>>> >policy alternatives. Questions of what we should do are always 
>>>>> >and subjective; science can only inform the discussion about possible
>>>>> >outcomes.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Your suggestion about a civil engineering project is illustrative.
>>>>> >Engineering data is helpful, but insufficient by itself. Let's say an
>>>>> >engineering study concludes that "85% of all car drivers arriving 
>>>>> >between 9:00am and 10:00am found a vacant parking spot within 150 
>>>>>feet of
>>>>> >their desired destination within 30 seconds of beginning their search 
>>>>>for a
>>>>> >spot." Objective data, yes. But so what? Is the situation good or 
>>>>>bad? Do
>>>>> >customers find that situation acceptable or not? Do business owners? 
>>>>> >there any management actions the City should take to change the 
>>>>> >These are all perception-based questions, and the answers about what 
>>>>> >be done are subjective and political.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > As for myself, I'm looking forward to having at least some 
>>>>> >systematically-gathered data about downtown parking to inform the
>>>>> >community's discussions, rather than relying on a hodge-podge 
>>>>>collection of
>>>>> >personal anecdotes.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Philip Cook
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >> Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2007 09:47:00 -0800
>>>>> > >> From: "Art Deco" <deco at moscow.com>
>>>>> > >> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >> Gary writes:
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> " A better approach might be to have an independent third party 
>>>>> >some objective data with regard to the parking situation."
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> That would be a good first step.  Given that data then an 
>>>>> >professional survey designer could then design a survey with unloaded
>>>>> >questions, carefully and fairly select the sample space, and then 
>>>>> >to determine public and business attitudes/beliefs.  Perhaps the UI 
>>>>>or WSU
>>>>> >math departments could make this a carefully supervised graduate 
>>>>> >student project.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Assuming that even if MacDonald and Steed have any enthusiastic
>>>>> >supporters, they would probably concede that neither is a qualified 
>>>>> >designer/taker.  We have just discussed a poorly constructed survey 
>>>>>by Fox
>>>>> >News.  Let's not waste money on another questionable effort which 
>>>>> >satisfy no one.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Though Gary and I do not have much in common in our world views, 
>>>>> >think we both agree that facts are needed in the discussion of the 
>>>>> >issue, and I hope that we agree that the different parties to the 
>>>>> >especially the city, are not likely to generate unquestionable data
>>>>> >themselves.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> W.
>>>>> > >> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> > >> From: g. crabtree
>>>>> > >> Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 6:20 AM
>>>>> > >> Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> My understanding is that there will be three surveys done. The 
>>>>> >for business owners. The second for employees, and the third for 
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> What I see as the glaring problem with this approach is that a 
>>>>> >will only net you answers to what people perceive the problem to be. 
>>>>> >better approach might be to have an independent third party obtain 
>>>>> >objective data with regard to the parking situation. Perhaps quietly 
>>>>>turn a
>>>>> >few civil engineering seniors loose on the project?
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> g
>>>>> > >
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