[Vision2020] BC blood feud

debismith at moscow.com debismith at moscow.com
Thu Feb 1 21:48:49 PST 2007

Ralph, having grown up Mormon, I have to take exception to this. I subscribe to none of the 
Mormon faith---being Wiccan precludes that---but the Mormons don't just want your money. 
They are much more interested in conversion to a (decidedly odd) belief system. They, like all 
Evangelicals, want converts. They will take ten percent from you if you join up, but most 
religions, one way or another, get that from their parishoners. Truly, they don't show up on your 
doorstep saying give me cash. And, bonus, if you join up they will help you through any 
difficulty. If you aren't theirs, God help you 'cause they won't.

I like being Wiccan much better. We know it's all metaphor, we just want enough money to 
buy candles for the next ritual, we like Sacred Space as a way to honor the human spirit and 
focus our own intent, and we honor the earth and the universe and don't worry about who 
created what---of course evolution is the way it happened, of course we will struggle, and of 
course we have no idea what comes after....BFD. Enjoy today, do the best you can, take care 
of others, fight injustice, and don't take it all too seriously 'cause nobody gets out alive.

But please, if you need to bash Mormons (I often do--they are family after all) do it accurately. 
It's not about dollars....By the way, I do enjoy your posts---you are a true scholar....

Hugs and giggles from the lunatic fringe...........

Debi R-S

From:           	Ralph Nielsen <nielsen at uidaho.edu>
Date sent:      	Thu, 1 Feb 2007 21:20:14 -0800
To:             	Vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject:        	[Vision2020] BC blood feud

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Pat, while I think the JWs are stupid biblicists who are willing to 
sacrifice themselves and their children for the sake of a weird 
interpretation of a rather obscure biblical text by dogmatists, they 
do not involve themselves in political campaigns to force the rest of 
us to follow their lifestyles. Most of them don't listen to radios or 
watch TV or even read newspapers. While most Xians are impolite to 
them when they appear at the door, I always invite them in. They soon 
find out that I know the Bible at least as well as they do, so they 
are soon on their way again. But at least they depart as friends. 
They are not like the Mormons, who are interested mainly in getting 
money out of you. They crossed out my name and address years ago. 
They know I can't be taken for a sucker.


Pat Kraut pkraut at moscow.com
Thu Feb 1 20:36:57 PST 2007

Whatcha think? I think that this is a far more dangerous cult than 
Christ Church.


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