[Vision2020] 100 Wolves: straight from the new chief

Mark Solomon msolomon at moscow.com
Thu Feb 1 07:18:30 PST 2007


One Hundred Wolves, Says Idaho's New Director of Fish and Game

By Jill Kuraitis, 1-29-07

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced today that gray wolves 
in the Great Lakes and the northern Rockies have recovered, and they 
are removing the Great Lakes population of wolves from the federal 
endangered species list and proposing the removal of the northern 
Rockies population as well. These actions will turn wolf management 
responsibilities over to the states.

In his official debut before House Resources and Conservation this 
morning, new Idaho Fish and Game director Cal Groen (Grew-in) 
announced the federal decision and said that his intention is to 
"manage wolves like other species." The goal, he said, is ten packs 
of ten wolves, once Idaho has the power to manage its own.

The price of a wolf tag is $26.50 if you're an Idahoan, $256 if 
you're not, and Groen will announce specifics later today about ten 
special commission tags which will go to the highest bidder.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service will be accepting comments from 
the public regarding the proposal to delist the northern Rocky 
Mountain population of wolves.  They can be electronically mailed to 
NRMGrayWolf at fws.gov; hand-delivered to USFWS, 585 Shepard Way, 
Helena, MT 59601; or mailed to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Wolf 
Delisting, 585 Shepard Way, Helena, MT 59601.  All comments must be 
received within 60 days of the proposed rule's publication date in 
the Federal Register. 
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