[Vision2020] Christmas in Falluja

Kai Eiselein fotopro63 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 15 12:20:50 PST 2007

Its easy to take sides when you don't have a relative serving in Iraq. Of course we want him home, at the same time he believes in the mission and what he is doing and we have to support him.
My wife's kid brother, Chris, is "somewhere north of Bagdad", serving his second tour. We keep in contact with via MySpace, email and (usually) weekly phone calls. He gets packages from home on a regular basis, including his favorite jerky from C&L Locker (which was kind enough to double vaccum pack it) photos and whatever neccesities he may ask for.
Forgotten? Hardly, our soldier has an entire family supporting him, giving him whatever we can to ease his burden so he can concentrate on doing his job and getting home safely. I believe most other service members' families are doing the same. 
It's easy to say these soldiers are forgotten, when you don't know what's going on behind the scenes and are just taking things at face value.
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