[Vision2020] CORRECTION Moscow City Council Committee Agendas
Stephanie Kalasz
skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Aug 10 15:18:10 PDT 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
3:00-4:30 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor
1. A. Public Comment and Chair's Response Period (limit 10 minutes)
- For members of the Public to speak to the Committee regarding matters
NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Council, Planning
and Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and
address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.
B. Approval of Minutes July 23, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Surplus Items for Auction - David Duke
Surplus found and abandoned items for auction or destruction if deemed
ACTION: Recommend approval of auction item surplus or take such other
action deemed appropriate.
3. FTA Funding Requirements - Disadvantage Business Enterprise
(DPE) Program - Alisa Stone
A Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) Program has been developed as
part of the requirements for receiving DOT funding. The DBE program's
primary objective is to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and
administration of federally funded contracts and to create a level
playing field for DBEs to compete for these projects. The DBE program
pertains solely to federally funded projects. The City of Moscow has
been awarded an appropriation for federal funding from the FY2006
Section 5309 Bus & Bus Facilities Program. In order to complete the
requirements and access the funding, the City of Moscow is required to
approve a DBE Policy Statement, Program, and establish an Annual DBE
Participation Goal. The federal government requires municipalities to
develop and update their DBE goal annually using established methodology
that factors in the City's anticipated federally funded capital
improvement projects for the fiscal year, and the availability of DBE
contractors in the City's region. The City has been awarded the FY2006
Section 5309 Bus & Bus Facilities funding to be expended in the
FY2007-08 budget year for bus turn-outs and shelters at the Deacon and
College bus stops on the University of Idaho campus. The City also
anticipates being earmarked for additional funding for capital
improvements for bus stops at 'A' and Peterson, 'A' and Cherry, 'A' and
Farm, and 'E' and Main and is including this funding in the DBE
participation goal for FY2007-08. Utilizing the federal government's
required DBE methodology; these two projects produced a .65% DBE
participation goal for FY2007-08. The City must submit an approved DBE
Policy Statement, Program, and Annual Participation Goal with
Methodology prior to being given access to the federal funding systems.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(DBE) Policy Statement, Program, and the FY2007-08 .65 percent Annual
Participation Goal and Methodology for Section 5309 Bus & Bus Facilities
projects funded by DOT; or take such other action deemed appropriate.
4. Employee Survey Results - Patti McKinney/Leslie Moss
An Employee Satisfaction Survey was distributed to every City employee
giving them the opportunity to express opinions and answer questions
related to their employment with the City of Moscow. Our purpose was to
get everyone's ideas on strengths, problems and to get potential
solutions to workplace issues. Employees were asked earlier in the year
to submit questions that they would like answers to and, other than some
slight rewording, only those questions from our approximate 130
employees were used. All employees were asked to answer honestly and
openly the 26 questions which were derived from employee suggestions.
Employees were not required to put their name on the survey and some
surveys were returned with neither a name nor a department. The
completed surveys were submitted to Patti McKinney, Chair of the
Employee Advisory Committee; the results were tabulated by a
sub-committee of the EAC; and Laurie Lewis compiled the information into
the bar charts in the packets. The entire process was guided by members
of the Employee Advisory Committee. The survey resulted in an average
66% return from employees and all results received have been tabulated
and distributed to all City employees.
ACTION: Evaluate results and determine how to proceed with areas
perceived as needing improvement.
5. Citizen Survey - Gary J. Riedner
As the City Council is aware, the Administration Department administered
the third comprehensive City of Moscow Citizen Survey in late October
and early November of 2006. The purpose of the survey was to assess the
public's opinion of various aspects of City services and operations.
Additionally, there were several questions included by the City's
citizen committees and commissions related to each of the group's charge
and mission. The surveys were mailed to 1,200 randomly selected
residents. The completed surveys were then collected through the month
of December and the results entered and compiled. A total of 416
completed surveys were received, which after accounting for non-mailable
surveys resulted in a 36% response rate. Staff will present the final
report and findings of the survey at the August 20, 2007 City Council
ACTION: Receive report.
Parkland Dedication Code Amendment - Bill Belknap
Future Agenda Items
PUD Code - Bill Belknap
Subdivision Code - Bill Belknap
Neighborhood Associations - Gary J. Riedner (Oct. 8)
Expanding Volunteer Commissions
Employee Benefits for Domestic Partners
Update/Report on Establishing Salvaging Task Force
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.
Monday, August 13, 2007
4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor
1. Approval of Minutes July 23, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz
2. Disbursement Report - Don Palmer
3. City Responses to Dept. of Environmental Quality Sanitary
Surveys Report - Tom Scallorn
The Department of Environmental Quality has implemented a revised
Sanitary Survey Report format that is much more detailed than previous
surveys. The revised format is an effort to standardize these surveys
through out the state. The attached report is the first time Moscow has
been surveyed using the new format and the frequency of survey will be
three to five years. Sanitary Surveys are conducted to review the Water
System for compliance with the current Idaho Drinking Water Rules.
ACTION: Receive report.
4. Blevins Lot Consolidation - Andrew Ackerman
Barry and Denise Blevins own three adjacent properties at 812 N. Almon
St. and wish to adjust the lot lines such that all interior lot lines
are eliminated, taking in an existing home and garage that currently
span lot lines (i.e. non-conforming structures). The adjustment would
remedy the non-conformity issue. The property is located in the
Multi-Family Residential (R-4) Zoning District that has a minimum lot
size of 5,000 sq. ft. The new lot would exceed the minimum lot size and
all existing structures would meet minimum setbacks of the R-4 District.
Engineering Division reviewed the application and recommends that the
applicant dedicate a five (5') ft. wide public utility easement along
the frontage of N. Almon St. to accommodate future Right-of-Way
ACTION: Recommend approval of the lot consolidation or take such other
action deemed appropriate.
5. Stormwater Phase II Comments - Les MacDonald
As previously reported at the Public Works/Finance Committee meeting on
July 23rd, the City has received notice from the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Region 10 that both the City of Moscow and the
University of Idaho are being considered for listing as Phase II
entities under the NPDES program. Staff has been researching the
potential implications of such a listing and the discussion during this
session is to inform the Committee about the findings to date. The City
has the opportunity to provide comments, questions, or information to
EPA until September 15, 2007 regarding this potential listing. EPA will
then assess the information received and, ultimately, make a
determination about whether the City should be included in the program.
As the letter from EPA indicates they are lacking current information
regarding the activities of the City of Moscow related to storm water
since the late 1990's. Staff is preparing a compilation of data to send
to EPA to bring their knowledge up to date. Such information is likely
to provide some influence upon the decision making process.
ACTION: Accept report on status of the potential Phase II NPDES program
6. Creaco - Development Agreement - Les MacDonald
Creaco Investments, LLC (Clint Townsend) is developing a mall at 457
West Palouse River Drive. A developer owned and maintained two-inch
diameter water service line is being proposed to supply the
approximately eleven water meters required for each of the individually
occupied and owned spaces. The City standard policy is for the City to
own and maintain the water line from the main to the meter but in this
instance where a longer than usual service line is required it is in the
best interest of the City to require the developer to own and maintain
the service line. The City will own and maintain each individual
water meter.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the agreement or take such other action
deemed appropriate.
7. Safe Routes to School State and Local Agreement - Les MacDonald
The City of Moscow (in partnership with the U of I) has received a
$113,750 grant from the Idaho Transportation Department under the Safe
Routes to School program. $13,750 of this amount is to fund U of I
educational/encouragement non-infrastructure type activity and $100,000
is to fund City infrastructure improvements consisting of the
construction of sidewalk improvements in school zone areas. A State /
Local Agreement and a resolution are necessary to obtain federal-aid
ACTION: Recommend approval of the agreement and Resolution or take such
other action deemed appropriate.
8. Taylor Engineering Supplemental Agreement - Dean Weyen
Taylor Engineering of Pullman has designed the Joseph Street Bridge and
final design plans and specifications are officially approved. There
were three additional design drawings required in excess of what was
originally set forth in Taylor's $81,000 contract with the City. The
attached supplemental agreement modifies the original design services
agreement to include this additional work and the associated additional
$7,300.00 engineering fee. If approved by the City, the agreement will
be submitted to the Idaho Transportation Department for their review.
ACTION: Recommend approval of the agreement or take such other action
deemed appropriate.
WRIA 34 Draft Plan Comment Period - Les MacDonald
Future Agenda Items
Update on Water Conservation Efforts and Pending Review of Water Rate
Structure - Les MacDonald
Installation of Purple Pipe with New Construction, Street Projects, etc.
- Les MacDonald
Third Street Pedestrian Bridge - Les MacDonald (8/27)
SE Moscow Sewer District - Les MacDonald/Randy Fife (8/27)
UI Parking Memorandum of Understanding with the City - Les MacDonald
SH 8 Veatch to White Place State/Local Agreement - Les MacDonald
Sidewalk Along Mountain View - Les MacDonald
Joseph Street Bridge State / Local Agreement and Resolution - Dean Weyen
NOTICE: Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.
Stephanie Kalasz
Moscow City Clerk
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