[Vision2020] A Religious Empire

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 30 07:27:47 PST 2006

 So you don't believe that if an idiot wants to be a  Nazi, worship Hitler, and believe he is superior to everyone else, he  doesn't have that right? No freedom to do what's wrong?
 Can  someone be a "Confederate" and not be a racist? Did you know Yankees  were racists too? We a have a baseball team called the Yankees, is that  team promoting racism?
 Joe, can you name one thing in United  States History that is not racist, sexist, or homophobic? Are we to  throw away all US heritage because it had segments of it that were  racist?

Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net> wrote:  Donovan,

I  don't think it is OK for anyone to be a Nazi of any kind, just to set  the record straight! And I think that someone who classifies himself as  a kind of "Confederate" is either a racist or trying to create  controversy.

Joe Campbell

---- Donovan Arnold  wrote: 

OK or not OK for who and what, Joe?

Joe Campbell  wrote:  What if Doug Wilson was a paleo-Nazi. Would that be OK? Just checking!
Joe Campbell

---- Donovan Arnold  wrote: 

"Doug Wilson, pastor of Moscow's Christ Church and founder of both NSA and
  K-12 Logos School, confessed that he was a "paleo-confederate," just after
  NSA President Roy Atwood said that any connection between his college and
  the neo-confederates was 'laughably stupid.' "--Nick Gier
  Boy, Nick would almost have a point if paleo and neo meant the same  thing. To bad they don't. And it would be a better point too if Doug  Wilson ran New St. Andrews. 
 I got an idea of how to boost  UI enrollment and private business investment downtown. Let's tell the  whole world that a Neo Nazi Confederate religious cult that is trying  to kill homosexuals and enslave Black people are controlling our city.  That ought to bring in the tourists and students. 
  Mr. Gier, please stop giving Moscow a bad reputation. 

Tom Hansen  wrote:  >From the "Letters" section of today's (October 26, 2006) Spokesman Review -


A religious empire

I want to thank Shawn Vestal for his excellent article ("Old-school," Oct.
22) on Moscow's New St. Andrews College (NSA).

Doug Wilson, pastor of Moscow's Christ Church and founder of both NSA and
K-12 Logos School, confessed that he was a "paleo-confederate," just after
NSA President Roy Atwood said that any connection between his college and
the neo-confederates was "laughably stupid."

The distinction Wilson tries to draw between neo- and paleo-confederate is
one without a difference. Steve Wilkins, founding director of the
neo-confederate League of the South, has been keynote speaker at Wilson's
Moscow conferences for 12 years in a row.

I also appreciated Wilson's confession that Robert E. Lee's portrait and the
Confederate flag have been displayed in church and school functions, in
spite of Logos principal Tom Garfield's claims to the contrary.

Most of my information about NSA and Christ Church comes from their own
publications and former church members, who have not become leftists but
remain conservative Christians very worried about how pastors such as Wilson
are making the religious right look worse than it really is. 

For the full scoop on Wilson's religious empire see www.notonthepalouse.com
and http://users.adelphia.net/~nickgier/Wilson.htm. 

Nick Gier
Moscow, Idaho


Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Vandalville, Idaho


"When people sin, everybody has to pay."

- Douglas Wilson of Wilson, Inc. (dba Christ Church) (June 7, 2002)

For more details:  http://www.NotOnThePalouse.com


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