[Vision2020] Re: A Swan Dive ?

Taro Tanaka taro_tanaka at hotmail.com
Sun May 21 01:49:54 PDT 2006

"He that pleads his cause first seems just, until his neighbor comes and 
searches him out."

I notice that Dale Courtney commented at Joan Opyr's blog, expressing 
gratitude for her for bringing this information to light. I wonder how John 
Leo and especially FIRE will respond to this development, if at all. One 
would think that FIRE, having gone to bat for Swan, would want to get to the 
bottom of this ASAP. FIRE does not have the appearance of being in the 
business of assassinating the character of "people on the left," and if Swan 
was leadiing them down the primrose path then perhaps it is now Swan's turn 
to feel FIRE's heat.

-- Prince Albasilas Monachus

"Andreas Schou" <ophite at gmail.com> wrote:

>Actually, "Taro", no facts whatosever have been established, because
>the only party that can legally reveal *any facts whatsoever* is Ed
>Swan. He's fighting with someone he damn well knows has their hands
>tied behind their back: the people he's shadow-boxing have legal,
>ethical, and professional responsibilities to confidentiality. Ed
>doesn't. Ed doesn't even feel he has the ethical responsibility to
>release those records, and -- as long as he doesn't -- he's a rank
>coward and a litigious ideological bully.
>So I'm calling you out, Ed. Put up or shut up, now that your fifteen
>minutes of fame are over. Release your records or go home.
>-- ACS

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