[Vision2020] The weaker sex - men

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Tue May 16 21:45:14 PDT 2006


Stereotypes nothing more nothing less


>From: "J Ford" <privatejf32 at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] The weaker sex - men
>Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 20:53:11 -0700
>Women, the weaker sex?
>KIRKER 'men' examples:
>Men vomit just at the thought of changing a dirty diaper.
>Men FAINT at the prospect and sight of the birth of their own children.
>Men fade away from the home work such as dusting, cleaning, cooking, 
>childcare, etc.
>Men can't handle the sight of a woman and children in tears - don't know 
>what to do with them much less how to make things better.
>Men have trouble doing two things at once - watch tv, but don't carry on a 
>conversation with the wife at the same time - might miss a major play in 
>the game.
>Men forget the major events such as birthdays, anniversaries, special dates 
>of significance, etc.
>Men die before women - not because they are older, but because the have 
>higher incidence of wearing out faster; it is then the women's job to carry 
>on with the family duties for years after.
>Men can't handle change - keep things as is so they don't have to worry 
>about adapting or thinking about the new way to do things.
>Men start wars - women clean up after the mess left behind.
>Men DEMAND things - women work for them.
>Men work half as hard, get paid twice as much and prove themselves less 
>capable of a women's worth.
>BEFORE you jump in the middle of my s**t!, let me say that this is just MY 
>opinion and are bourne out of what I have observed of the KIRKER men that I 
>have known and do know.  As always, there are exceptions to these examples, 
>but VERY few and VERY far in between (again, Kirker-wise.)  There are, 
>needless to say, many, many other examples of just how much weaker the 
>Kirker men are - that are more nefarious and more rough around the edges - 
>but these are just the general day-to-day examples.
>J  :]
>>Mr. Ed stated:
>>"Some semblance of traditional order must be restored, one where a 
>>difference in sexes and their respective roles are valued, celebrated, and 
>>understood. Women shouldn't hold authoritative places within society; they 
>>are the weak sex."
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