[Vision2020] Insulted

Jack Porter jporter at moscow.com
Thu Mar 30 08:54:10 PST 2006

Joan and Keely, you weren't here at the time, but I was serving on the 
school board back when Gerald Ford was President.  Three decades later, I 
was part of the group that started CQE and organized the campaign that 
passed the 2002 emergency operating levy, after the district's first 
attempt had failed miserably.

You're not the only ones who care about kids.  People should be able to 
disagree with you about building priorities, or the wisdom or political 
viability of a particular plan, without having their motives attacked.

If you hope to reach a 2/3 vote in a levy election, it doesn't help for you 
to go around insulting potential allies.


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