[Vision2020] An Investigation of a Simplistic Puzzle

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Thu Mar 23 22:41:21 PST 2006


If you don't like what he says, or as you would say "babble"; then just do 
as I do with some of the Vmembers, and use the delete button.

Just a thought


>From: Chasuk <chasuk at gmail.com>
>To: Vision2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] An Investigation of a Simplistic Puzzle
>Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2006 22:21:36 -0800
>An Investigation of a Simplistic Puzzle
>As far as I can tell, ToeKneeTime introduces himself, apropos of
>nothing, with a bewildering rant about the lack of tolerance among
>Vision2020 liberals.  He concludes his first post with these words:
>"Smugly chanting the same cliche's and mantras over and over, rather
>than engaging in fair-minded and considerate dialog, is not the
>behavior of responsible and considerate citizens but rather the
>petulant tantrum of a spoiled child."
>A few posts later, Sunil accurately summarizes what most Vision2020
>veterans had been thinking.  He writes to ToeKneeTime:
>"I'm a little perplexed by your posts too.  You show up with
>generalized insults that appear unrelated to any particular
>Saundra Lund then asks essentially the same question:
>"Interesting point.  For instance, I've been trying to figure out
>exactly what grievance you have that would excuse the [']petulant
>tantrum of a spoiled child['] manner in which you joined Moscow's
>Vision2020 discussion forum.
>"And, based on the comments from several other V2020 participants, it
>doesn't look like I'm the only one trying to figure it out ;-)"
>Saundra next asks ToeKneeTime whether he is Tony Simpson, of Lewiston,
>and provides us a charming sample of a Tony Simpson Letter to the
>Editor, submitted in 2002 to the Lewiston Tribune:
>"And I take exception to your charge that I view women as helpless sex
>objects.  That is not necessarily so.  Take you, for instance,
>Charise.  Judging from your letter, you are obviously a well-educated
>and highly articulate sex object."
>ToeKneeTime ignores Saundra's polite query, either because he is too
>embarrassed to admit that he is that cretin, or because he feels that
>being anonymous makes it easier to engage in the "fair-minded and
>considerate dialog" that he promotes so well by his own example.
>Either way, it sets a pattern of avoidance that defines his
>contributions to Vision2020.
>He has issues with homosexuality, and loves to insert his pet subject,
>abortion, into any discussion, as is illustrated here:
>"Wow, Joan, you sure don't cope well with criticism.  Ok, I guess I
>should apologize for interrupting your reign of error.  You've run the
>show in your community for quite some time.  Like the Queen of Hearts,
>you brook no dissent.  Anyone who dares to challenge Queen Joan MUST
>be SILENCED!  OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!  Unfortunately for you and other
>petty tyrants, there is in this country a thing called the First
>Amendment.  Your intellectual bullying has gone on long enough!  There
>are any number of issues facing Americans these days, issues of
>crucial importance.  The ongoing premeditated murder of unborn babies
>is perhaps the most pressing. To allow those on the wrong side of
>history to dominate the debate on these many issues would be a
>terrible mistake.  People of genuine conscience must not remain
>In this same message, he tacitly reveals that he _is_ Tony Simpson,
>though with a bizarre braggadocio that leaves one wondering whether he
>was being vainglorious or self-mocking:
>"Saundra, A quick note of thanks for reprinting my letter to the
>Lewiston Tribune.  I had forgotten just how brilliant it was.  Upon
>rereading it, it was obvious to me why you found it so compelling.
>Sometimes I just get carried away by my own eloquence."
>In total, ToeKneeTime has posted 47 messages of similar babbling.
>Occasionally, he says something clever, which makes one think that
>there are at least two person's using the same account, one with a few
>more brain cells than the others.
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