[Vision2020] Wal-Mart to Hire up to 150,000

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 23 18:28:12 PST 2006

"If you choose UI over LCSC because of the town, how is turning Moscow  into Lewiston going to help our chances of recruiting interesting  students like yourself at UI? Wouldn't we be better off ensuring that  Moscow kept its distinctive character?"
 Well Joe, I do not  think that creating jobs for all people, not just the well educated and  experienced, will not destroy this town. I think it just makes it  more  affordable to the generations of families that have been in  Moscow and Latah for so long. I think what makes Moscow unique is that  it is a college town, its history, the weather, the location and  geography, but more importantly, it is the people that make Moscow the  town that it is, not the buildings. A Wal-Mart turning super Wal-Mart  doesn't not change that, it just helps people that are college students  to keep coming here, and college students are the bread and butter for  this town. 
  Take Care,

joekc at adelphia.net wrote:  Donovan,

You  choose to live in Moscow because of qualities of the town. That is why  I choose to live here, too. If I thought that the town would be  improved with a Super Wal-Mart, then I'd be all for it. But I don't see  that happening.

Instead of answering your questions -- since I  honestly don't know the answers -- answer this question for me: If you  choose UI over LCSC because of the town, how is turning Moscow into  Lewiston going to help our chances of recruiting interesting students  like yourself at UI? Wouldn't we be better off ensuring that Moscow  kept its distinctive character?

Joe Campbell

---- Donovan Arnold  wrote: 

  How do you know that Moscow has enough retail jobs? What do you base this conclusion on?
  Second, please explain to me why it is that you think that a lack of  jobs for students, a lack of affordable quality housing, and a lack of  affordable retail goods does not impact the ability and desirability of  student continuing there education at UI?
 I know for fact  that the reason I chose UI over BSU and LCSC for my undergraduate  degree had entirely to do with the town it is located. I believe if  young adults in southern Idaho cannot get a job, have and decent place  to live in Moscow, and gain access to the same goods and services for  similar prices, they will choose to stay down there and we will lose  the state, federal and personal dollars they would bring to our  community.
  Take Care,

joekc at adelphia.net wrote:  Thanks for this information, Ron! 

Just  of the record, I meant to suggest that it was absurd that a lack of  part-time jobs in Moscow has anything to do with UI's loss of  enrollment, or that it was absurd to think that if Moscow had a Super  Wal-Mart, then UI enrollment would increase, as Donovan seemed to  suggest.

Joe Campbell

---- Ron Force  wrote: 

All  the state's HE schools, except BSU and CSI, have lost enrollment as  compared to last spring. NIC blames it on the improving job market as  students leave school for full-time employment. Vocational enrollment  showed the greatest losses, which would tend to corroborate that  outlook.

All the schools (except BSU) showed losses in academic full-time student enrollment.

Ron Force          Moscow ID USA
rforce at moscow.com


It  is absurd to suggest that job availability has anything to do with  UI’s decreased enrollment. I won’t speculate why  UI’s enrollment is down other than to say that well-publicized  internal problems at UI as well as the increased quality and popularity  of other universities in the state has more to do with it than a lack  of part-time jobs in Moscow. There are likely other relevant factors of  which I am unaware. (I still think that UI is the best state university  in Idaho, by the way!)

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