[Vision2020] Yet Another NoSuperWalMart Dinner to Celebrate a Vibrant Downtown

Nils Peterson nilsp at moscow.com
Wed Mar 15 22:27:50 PST 2006

Come out to dinner this Wednesday, March 22, and warm up for a P&Z  
meeting on the Comprehensive Plan. This time the no-host dinner is at  
Basilio’s Moscow, 100 W 4th St, beginning at 5:30. This event is  
organized by the local No Super Wal-Mart organization. Wear your  
button, or get one when you arrive. Drink a toast to the denial of  
the Thompson rezone, or just have fun meeting fellow travelers. Who  
knew fighting Wal-mart could be so much fun?

Afterwards, the Moscow Planning and Zoning Commission is hearing an  
application to change the Comprehensive Plam map on 77 acres in east  
Moscow to light industrial (think Alturas) and low density  
residential. Speak in favor of this change. The hearing is 7:30 March  
22, in City Council Chambers.

Dinner is on your own. Buttons and bumper stickers are free, though  
donations will be accepted. All donations will be used to help  
prevent a Super Wal-Mart from being built in Moscow.

Please RSVP to nilsp at moscow.com by noon the day of the event to help  
the restaurant prepare.

Can’t make dinner? Join us at P&Z if you can.
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