[Vision2020] candidate questionaire input ....please

Bill London london at moscow.com
Tue Jun 27 15:58:20 PDT 2006

For the last five local elections, the Vision2020 Candidate Questionaire Committee has created and disseminated the responses by local candidates to a series of questions.  We plan to do that again for the November election.

We ask the assistance of the V2020 membership.  Please provide us with the questions you wish the candidates to answer.  Remember to ask questions of the appropriate candidates (for example, the Latah County Treasurer candidates would not be the appropriate people to respond to a question about the war in Iraq, but the US Representative candidates would).  Also, please keep your questions as non-judgmental and even-handed as possible.

Send your questions to the following email address.  Please identify the race or candidates that the question is directed to...
vision2020questions at gnickie.org

Please send your questions by July 15, 2006.

Send questions for the following races:

1. US Representative (Sali v. Grant)
2. Idaho Representative (Falen v. Ringo)
3. Latah County Commissioner, dist. 1 (Ball v. Barrett)
4  Latah County Commissioner, dist. 3 (Nelson v. Pike)
5. Latah County Clerk (Petersen v. Krehbiel)
6. Latah County Treasurer (Proctor v. Wright)
7. Latah County Assessor (Ferguson v. Vaughan)
8. Latah County Coroner (Hutton v. Mabbutt)

Thanks ...BL
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