[Vision2020] oops

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Tue Jun 20 11:39:32 PDT 2006

Andreas writes:

'Asking what the "true" answer to "what does  the Bible say about X?" is, to 
me, like querying any selection of documents written on one topic over 1500 
years about what the "true" nature of the topic is.'

If you want to see a large range of a variety of opinions on a current, 
relevant topic written just over the last few years, then GOOGLE: pedophile 

Some of the differences of opinion are predictable:  In general, those with 
an economic interest in pedophilia, e.g. treatment professionals and leaders 
of organizations where pedophilia exists, are much more optimistic than 
criminologists and other analysts, for example.  In addition, there is the 
small problem of being able to tell if a repeat offense has been committed 
by a pedophile because except in the case of a shocking local example, they 
seldom advertise their vile accomplishments with trophy photos on websites.

Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
deco at moscow.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Andreas Schou" <ophite at gmail.com>
To: "Michael" <metzler at moscow.com>
Cc: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2006 9:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] oops

> On 6/19/06, Michael <metzler at moscow.com> wrote:
>> Sorry!  Not only am I way over limit for today, that was personal
>> correspondence I was responding to.  My apologies.
>> Michael
>> > The Biblical arguments are why I'm staying out of it: I realize that 
>> > I'd
>> be arguing from entirely different premises than you.
>> Oh, come on.  Deciding what would be the most genuine Christian
>> understanding of gender distinction has value for everyone don't you 
>> think?
>> : -)  If Christians are forced to hold a submission model, and if 
>> submission
>> is a priori bad, then you have an argument against Christianity.   I 
>> don't
>> think we will be starting from entirely different premises though, as I
>> think our discussion about pursuer/pursued construct evidences…..
> Let me go back to the beginning and explain what my different premises
> are, because I'm not sure that the extent of that difference is clear
> to a lot of Christians. I am not a believer in the inerrancy of the
> Bible. More particularly, I am not a believer in the coherence of the
> Bible -- which is not to say that I believe that Bible says nothing,
> but that, *as a singular document*, it is artificially constructed.
> The books of the BIble were written over a span of over 1500 years, in
> Hebrew and Aramaic, under radicaly different forms of government, and
> reflect radically different understandings of the nature of God.
> Asking what the "true" answer to "what does  the Bible say about X?"
> is, to me, like querying any selection of documents written on one
> topic over 1500 years about what the "true" nature of the topic is.
> -- ACS
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