[Vision2020] Kinder, Gentler Moscow

Joe Campbell joekc at adelphia.net
Tue Jun 13 13:44:01 PDT 2006

Is your point that if someone insults someone else, then he/she deserves to be insulted? Isn't that two wrongs make a right, a well-known fallacy? 

Are you saying that Doug Wilson, Ed Iverson, and Dale Courney can never gain my forgiveness and sympathy since they spend most of their days insulting liberals? Do you think that, because of these sins, I can say whatever rude comment about them that I wish?

What is the point, exactly, Doug? I just don't get it.

Joe Campbell

---- heirdoug at netscape.net wrote: 


As your own fact checker you should go back through several years of 
Vision 2020 to re-read some of Joan's posts when folks leave the forum. 
One in particular was when Mark Semans moved away.

Joan was so kind and gentle when she told him to not let the door hit 
him in the butt when he left. She also said some kind and gentle things 
to me both on and off the list.

If Joan is sick of insults she shouldn't have started to roll that 
stone in the first place.

Prov 26:27
    If a man digs a pit, he will fall into it;
       if a man rolls a stone, it will roll back on him.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net>

Joan is sick of insults,
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