[Vision2020] Fw: Hate Speech on your forum

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 19:15:24 PDT 2006

On 6/2/06, rvrcowboy <rvrcowboy at clearwire.net> wrote:

> ... one of your subscribers is posting materials of an inflamatory nature
> against a specific segment of the subscribers on the list.  This hate speech
> is aimed at Christians, Fundamental Christians specifically, but all
> Christians in general.

> This is my formal complaint to you about this matter.  I am also filing a
> complaint with the Idaho State Attorney General's Office concerning this
> matter.  I have personally emailed several people I know to be Christians
> subscribers to your site and requested that they not respond to this
> vindictive post.

> The specific post is from a subscriber known as "Chasuk"

I forwarded an article that, based on much of the traffic traversing
Vision2020, would be of interest to many of its subscribers.  Not all
of its subscribers, but many of them.  The article in question does
not degrade, intimidate, or incite violence (or prejudicial action)
against any person or persons.  It was intended to stimulate
thoughtful debate, which is usually my purpose, as you are entirely


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