[Vision2020] NSA CUP appeal hearing/Kimmel/Ament/Pall

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 2 00:22:49 PDT 2006

Well done, Mr. Meyer!

Of course, let us not forget Todd Flack and HIS refusal to recuse himself 
from P&Z issues when voting for anything that had to with CC businesses or 
buildings.  Of course, that was religious persecution to ask him to step 
away from those votes (yeah, right!)  I am sure "papa Dougie" was happy when 
Todd was allowed to vote anyway, dispite the obvious conflict those votes 
showed...his family DIRECTLY was/is affected by them when the vote went the 
way CC/Dougie wanted.

In his diatribe to the City Attorney - interesting that he does not address 
his comments to the Council, who will be hearing the appeal - mr dickison 
"demands" that NSA be allowed to participate in the NSA Appeal on Monday - 
again, we see that CC/NSA is "demanding" the law or ordinance be changed to 
suite their need.  The appeal process is clearly outlined in the City 
Ordenance but mr dickison and NSA/CC "demand" those be set aside because "I 
want my way."

The really surprising part of mr dickison's bawlings is that this is one of 
the first times he is not claiming "religious persecution" and "demanding" 
that all those involved in the appeal apologize to NSA/CC/Doug Wilson.

Oh wait...that "demand" may yet happen - there is still three days left 
before the appeal hearing.

Anyone gotta crying towel?

J  :]

>From: Jim Meyer <m1e2y3e4 at moscow.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] NSA CUP appeal hearing/Kimmel/Ament/Pall
>Date: Thu, 01 Jun 2006 23:56:19 -0700
>What short memory some of us have...Remember Paul Kimmel and his alleged 
>conflicts of interest having to do with Christ Church?
>The legal definition of conflict of interest means FINANCIAL conflict of 
>interest, not conflict of opinions. I would be very, very disappointed to 
>see Aaron Ament recuse himself (as I was with Linda Pall when she recused 
>herself concerning Wal-Mart (1).
>I say to both Aaron and Linda, be leaders, don't be wimps. I didn't vote 
>for a wimp. I didn't vote for someone who doesn't have the courage of his 
>or her belief. The kind of person I voted for would stand up against those 
>who would take advantage of the community for selfish gain. The kind of 
>person I voted for wouldn't back down in the face practiced lying and 
>subtle manipulation. Like a good parent, the person I voted for would call 
>out a lie and cause discomfort rather than be party to the lie and thus 
>encouraging more lies. I urge you both to continue to fight for what you 
>believe is right for the community. Keep up the good work both of you.
>I'll end by saying that it is personal belief of mine that to be 
>unnecessarily antagonistic is to be polarizing without being productive. 
>Lack of tact is not, however, a problem solved by recusal. I am sure tact 
>is gained through experience; that is the solution. Let us put experience 
>to work and recusal to rest unless, of course, you want to revisit Paul 
>Kimmel's past alleged conflicts of interest.
>Jim Meyer
>(1) / Daily News By Ryan Bentley, Daily News staff writer
>Published: 05-27-2006/ "Councilwoman Linda Pall recused herself due to a 
>previous comment she had made while discussing Wal-Mart with a member of 
>the Gene Thompson family.“I said, ‘Boy, I sure hope you’re not planning a 
>Wal-Mart out there’ Š and in no uncertain terms I said it was a terrible 
>idea,” Pall said."
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