[Vision2020] Mumbles from C-O's Brainless Log (BLog)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Jul 5 18:00:34 PDT 2006

"Comb-Over" Courtney, who apparently is afraid to come out and join us,
stated from his Brainless Blog (BLog):

"Tom Hansen writes: 

'In my opinion, Joe, it is society that determines morality. Any given
society determines/defines "acceptable behavior" (what is right) and
proceeds to enact laws to protect themselves from "unacceptable behavior"
(what is wrong). What is considered "acceptable behavior" in one society (or
even one state in our nation) may be considered "unacceptable behavior" in
another society (or another state in our nation) and punishable by law.' 

Makes you wonder if Hansen would be content to have lived under the Third
Reich. After all, murdering millions of Jews was acceptable behavior in that
society. And (by Hansen's logic) therefore moral. 

Postmodernism on steroids, people."

No, Comb-Over.  I would not be "content to have lived under the Third
Reich".  Besides, the Third Reich did not qualify as a society.  It was a
dictatorial government, something like Anselm House on steroids.  

Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, Comb-Over.

Now, go back and re-read what I said, Comb-Over.  I NEVER stated that I
agree with EVERY society's morals.  Do you understand?  Or do your blinders
keep you from seeing the light?

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"Uh, how about a 1-strike law. Death doesn't seem too extreme for a Level-3
sex offender."

- Dale "Comb-Over" Courtney (August 3, 2005)

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