[Vision2020] the pledge

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 27 06:42:54 PST 2006

 Don Huskey was the one that claimed  John Dickinson made the argument, (I mistakenly believed him) it was a  waste of time to say the pledge.  However, I disagree, and I think  what you get out of it, learning respect for your countrymen and women  that gave so much for what you now have, is well worth more than the  penny in your analogy.
 What you should be asking is Joe, is  why the City Council and Mayor did not say anything before or after  they made the decision to ax the Pledge? Were they thinking it was not  important? Or just hoping we would not notice? Did it slip their minds?  Did they not care what the people they represent feel or want? Either  way, it should give you pause.
 As for the "Those who wish to  recite the Pledge before council meetings can do so."--I do not think  so. Anyone that recites the Pledge will be ruled out of order and can  be removed from the chamber by law enforcement. 
  Take Care,

joekc at adelphia.net wrote:                                        Roger,        
          I don't recall anyone saying that council should not say the Pledge  because it takes too much time. Donovan posted that it was a bad reason  to offer but no one -- in my recollection -- every offered this as a  reason. Don Huskey claimed that saying the Pledge was a waste of time  but this is a different point. Picking up a penny is a waste of time --  in the end you only have a penny for your efforts -- but it doesn't  take a lot of time. 
               I agree  -- very much -- with the last point that you made but one can support  either side of the debate with that point. For instance, no one is  holding a gun to anyone's head and requiring them NOT to say the  Pledge. Those who wish to recite the Pledge before council meetings can  do so. I think they should do it BEFORE council starts since council  and the mayor have decided not to say it on a regular basis. I find it  interesting that some folks are not satisfied with saying the Pledge or  a prayer in private. They must say it in front of others and must  compel others to say it with them. This indicates to me that saying the  Pledge or praying is more of a political gesture than it is a patriotic  or religious one. For SOME people, at least.
Joe Campbell

---- lfalen           wrote:

Most  of the comments for not saying the pledge are accurate enough, except  for it takings to long. It takes less than a minute. That is not much  time out of any busy schedule. It is true that scoundrels would not  have o problem saying the pledge. As samuel Johnson said " Patriotism  is the last refuge of the scoundrel". None of this is a justification  for not saying it. That is like "throwing the baby out with the bath  water" The pledge serves a useful purpose. It is good to reaffirm  allegiance to our country. The continued dropping of things patriotic  eventually leads to a disrespect for the country. There is enough  revisionist history already that reminds everyone of how many worts we  have. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head and requiring them to  say it. Have it presented. Those that want to recite it can do so. Any  one who does not want to can remain silent or leave out passages they  don't agree with.


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