[Vision2020] light pollution

Patrick T. Evans ptevans at moscow.com
Sun Jan 22 11:51:10 PST 2006

Mr. Harkins,

I am not sure what you mean about doing my homework on the physics of  
light when you slip right into math.  Five hundred un-shielded  
mercury vapor lights in Latah County is a lot.  And they are  
continuing to multiply.  Even if you and your neighbors are fine with  
your lights, the upward lighting affects many of us who enjoy the  
night skies over the Palouse.  If safety and security are your  
primary concerns, you should switch your mercury vapor lights for  
shielded metal halide lights which provide a brighter light on the  
ground where it is needed and much better security than being blinded  
by the glare of an un-shielded mercury vapor light.

Let's work together and keep the Palouse a great place to live.

PT Evans

On Jan 21, 2006, at 11:46 PM, Jeff Harkins wrote:

> Mr. Evans,
> Please do your homework about the physics of light before you post.
> For the rest of you interested in this topic, consider that with a  
> bit over 1000 square miles of land in Latah County, there are 500  
> rural farm lights (yard lights).  That is 1 light per 2 square  
> miles.  Since many of the lights are clustered in areas around the  
> urban centers, the average number of light units per square mile  
> drops considerably.  It is dark in the rural parts of this county.
> As a rural property owner, let me assure you that I do respect the  
> concept of light pollution and manage my light use to be as  
> unobtrusive as possible.  All of us in our "neighborhood" work  
> together to not impose on each other on most issues, including  
> lighting.  If there was a problem, we would find a way to work it  
> out.  I don't recognize your name and I am rather confident that  
> you don't live near me.  So why, exactly, are you attempting to  
> dictate lighting issues to me and my neighbors.
> If you, Mr. Evans, would be willing to demand that the County  
> accept all liability for damage and injury to property and persons  
> that result from reduced lighting on rural property, would support  
> a fair compensation to me (or my neighbors) for damages to animals  
> and crops harmed by predators and foragers, would support public  
> funds be raised to reimburse me (or rural residents) for damages  
> resulting from burglary, trespass and general mischief, we can  
> pursue a dialogue.  Frankly, I would rather invest such scarce  
> public dollars in county infrastructure and schools ....
> Until then, I will not compromise my responsibility for the health  
> and safety of my family, my neighbors or my friends for your dark  
> sky agenda.
> Until you support full financial responsibility by Latah County for  
> the consequences for what you are asking me and my neighbors to do  
> in our neighborhood, why don't you work with your neighbors to deal  
> with the light pollution in your neighborhood?  I assume that you  
> live in Moscow.
> At 01:58 PM 1/21/2006, you wrote:
>> Below is a message from Patrick Evans about Yard Lights and Light  
>> Pollution on the Palouse....BL
>> <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft- 
>> com:office:office" />
>> Mercury vapor yard lights are good business for the power  
>> companies that promote them.  To the power companies it means  
>> money but to many of us it means a despoiling of our night sky and  
>> light trespass onto our properties and into homes by unwitting  
>> neighbors.  In Latah County today, Clearwater Power has some 500  
>> mercury vapor yard lights installed on rural properties.  The  
>> numbers are increasing and our night sky is fading.  Placing  
>> shields on these lights to avoid light going up or laterally is  
>> not an option according to Clearwater Power as these lights are an  
>> older model and cannot be shielded.
>> The basic fact with these bright mercury vapor yard lights is that  
>> the glare reduces the owners ability to see properly and in effect  
>> reduces the owners safety and security.  Shielding these lights  
>> not only makes them more effective for the owners but reduces  
>> light trespass and hence conflicts between neighbors.
>> The Planning and Building Commission of Latah County has drafted a  
>> good outdoor lighting ordinance which will require all yard lights  
>> to be shielded.  Clearwater Power is opposed as they will have to  
>> change out all of their older model mercury vapor lights for  
>> something more modern with shields.  To them it’s all about money  
>> but this is our county and our quality of life that we must work  
>> to maintain.  There is also a vociferous group of rural land  
>> owners who have no respect for their neighbors and believe that  
>> they should have the right to put up as many mercury vapor yard  
>> lights as they desire.  Surely this group of people who would not  
>> know the difference between a planet and a star are in the  
>> minority – count the lights – 500 to date.  The majority of rural  
>> land owners as well as all concerned residents of Latah County now  
>> have an opportunity to demand that all these bright obnoxious  
>> lights are fitted with shields.  The Planning Commission has done  
>> the work and they now need to hear from all of us.  They need our  
>> support to pass this ordinance.
>> The draft ordinance is as follows:
>> In order to conserve energy and reduce light pollution, all  
>> outdoor lights, including lights attached to any type of building  
>> or structure shall be:
>> 1. Equipped with a photo-sensor so they are automatically turned  
>> off during daylight hours; and
>> 2. Of a design that does not allow light to travel up or  
>> horizontally; and
>> 3. Lamped with high pressure sodium, metal halide, or compact  
>> fluorescent lamps, or incandescent bulbs of 60 watts or less.
>> 9.03.02  CHANGE IN USE
>> When application for a change of use or for a conditional use  
>> permit is made, all existing lighting must be brought into  
>> compliance with Section 9.03.01 of this ordinance.
>> The Zoning Commission or the Board of Latah County Commissioners  
>> may set stricter conditions than are set in Section 9.03.01 of  
>> this ordinance for any type of permit that comes before them.
>> It’s time to stop the spread of unshielded mercury vapor yard  
>> lights in Latah County.  The power companies should be held  
>> accountable and be required to place shield on all of their yard  
>> lights.  For homeowners, it is only common decency to shield your  
>> yard lights.
>> The next public meeting to discuss this ordinance will be on 7  
>> February at 5.30pm in the county court house – room 2B.  Please  
>> join to stand up for saving our night sky and the peacefulness of  
>> the Palouse.  In the meantime, you can write to the Planning  
>> Commission at pb at latah.id.us and tell them you support the  
>> ordinance and copy to the county commissioners to keep them informed.
>> Key contacts:
>> Planning and Building Commission:  pb at latah.id.us
>> Janet Hohle (Commissioner):   jhohle at offsiteidahoag.us
>> Michelle Fuson  (PB Coordinator):  mfuson at latah.id.us
>> County Commissioners:
>> Jack Nelson: jnelson at latah.id.us
>> Paul Kimmmel:  pkimmell at latah.id.us
>> Tom Stroschein: tstroschein at latah.id.us
>> Patrick T. Evans
>> 882-6241
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>>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
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>  List services made available by First Step Internet,
>  serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.
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>           mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com
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