[Vision2020]Who's most vocal? (was Zoning Law & Freewheeling Capitalism)

DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Fri Jan 13 08:03:20 PST 2006

To all:
I find the attempt to draw a distinction between "old timers" and newbies  
interesting but irrelevant. It doesn't matter if you've been here one day or one 
 century you still have one vote. Granted, longer residence usually means 
more  influence because of friends and networks, but not always. I find myself in 
 sympathy with FDR when he opened his address to the annual gathering of the  
Daughters of the American Revolution as follows " Welcome to America and this 
 gathering Fellow Immigrants". The only real old-timers here are the Nez 
Perce  tribe (10,000 years +) and I don't hear anyone suggesting that we ask them 
how  they feel about our issues. Let's stop trying to find differences between 
us and  start searching for common ground. 
I would suggest that a new version of the Moscow Comprehensive Plan would  be 
a good place to start. 
Don  Huskey

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight  you, then 
you win." Mahatma Gandhi
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