[Vision2020] Impeachment

Matt Decker mattd2107 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 28 15:22:24 PST 2006

To all,

I'm not sure if everyone knows, but we are all suppose to keep our posts 
down to 3 a day.

Thanks for your consideration,
Matt D

>From: "James Reynolds" <chapandmaize at hotmail.com>
>To: vision2020 at moscow.com
>Subject: [Vision2020] Impeachment
>Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 15:07:34 -0800
>27 members of congress can't be all wrong.
>Join the People's Impeachment Lobby taking place today and tomorrow, 
>February 28 - March 1 and demand that the representative from your district 
>support H.Res.635 calling for a Congressional inquiry to investigate the 
>grounds for impeachment.
>There are now 27 members of the House of Representatives, including John 
>Conyers, the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee who are 
>supporting a bill, H. Res 635, calling for "a select committee to 
>investigate the Administration's intent to go to war before Congressional 
>authorization, manipulation of pre-war intelligence, encouraging and 
>countenancing torture, retaliating against critics, and to make 
>recommendations regarding grounds for possible impeachment." Tell your 
>representative today that you want him or her to co-sponsor this important 
>1) Click here, or go to ImpeachBush.org, where we have set up another 
>easy-to-use mechanism so that impeachment campaign members and supporters 
>can quickly send a message directly to your representative insisting they 
>support H.Res.635. We have a sample message that you can use and customize 
>before you send it.
>2) Tell your friends and family and urge them to also send a message to 
>Congress. You can forward this e-mail simply by clicking the 
>email-this-page button above. After you have sent a message you will also 
>be given a link that lets you send a message to your friends and family 
>encouraging them to participate in the People's Impeachment Lobby.
>3) Donate to help the impeachment campaign and to place the next major 
>impeachment newspaper ad by clicking here. The full-page New York Times ad 
>brought tens of thousands of new people into the impeachment movement and 
>brought the crimes of this administration into public view in no uncertain 
>terms. We want to place the next full page ad in the San Francisco 
>Chronicle within the next ten days -- prior to the March 18 mass anti-war 
>demonstration in San Francisco that will include a large impeachment 
>contingent. Let's keep the pressure going and spread the word. Click here 
>to help place this ad.
>- All of us at VoteToImpeach / ImpeachBush.org
>FREE pop-up blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now! 
>List services made available by First Step Internet, serving the 
>communities of the Palouse since 1994.                 http://www.fsr.net   
>                              mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com

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