[Vision2020] Arab purchase of ports firm raises fears in U.S.

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Thu Feb 16 12:05:57 PST 2006

Outsourcing port management to a mid east interest - What could possibly go

"The Bush administration defended its approval of the sale. A spokesman for
the White House National Security Council, Frederick Jones, said Thursday
that security implications of the deal were 'rigorously reviewed.'"


Let's see:

1)  Bush wants to sell federal lands to make up a portion of the national

2)  Troops are fighting and dying in Iraq without an exit strategy or
defined goal.

3)  And now Bush wants to give away our port security.

Well, it's not like he had sex with an intern . . .

Take care, Moscow.

Tom "and the voices" Hansen
Moscow, Idaho


"In America, anybody can become president.  
That's one of the risks you take . . ."

- Adlai Stevenson


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