[Vision2020] Life after death

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 29 21:18:57 PST 2006

  I would imagine very few went to Heaven during the time of the Old Testament, as it is virtually impossible to get into Heaven without Christ, and He hadn't even been born yet. I kind of think that was the point of his visit. 
  Happy New Year,
  Donovan J Arnold

Ralph Nielsen <nielsen at uidaho.edu> wrote:
  This sounds more like a retort than a reply, Donovan. Did you have to 
do some consulting before you wrote it?

My question was, "How many people died and went to heaven in the 
Hebrew Bible (Old Testament to Xians)?" This is not a theological 
question, just a matter of fact.

Ralph (who actually reads the Bible)

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 28 16:22:29 PST 2006


Everyone has an afterlife, regardless of if you believe in God or 
not and regardless of if there is a God or not. Every person leaves 
something behind.

Happy New Year,

Donovan J Arnold

Ralph Nielsen wrote:

What a strange message, Donovan. You claim that 95% of the population
of this country "believe in a God and afterlife", presumably
including those who take an oath of office but "they just do what
they do for $$$$$, not for the interests of the people they are
suppose[d] to be serving." Or are the politicians the 5% to whom
"number three doesn't mean anything"?

Don't you know, Donovan, that believing in God doesn't necessarily
entail belief in an afterlife? Haven't you read the Bible? Some weeks
ago I asked "heirdoug" to tell us how many people died and went to
heaven in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament to Xians). He said he was
"working on it" but he still hasn't told us the answer. Maybe you can.

Back to the Bible!


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