[Vision2020] Otter Plans Closed-Door Oath Taking

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Sat Dec 23 22:44:10 PST 2006

On 12/23/06, Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I would think the progressives that are SO opposed to the Pledge would be
> happy another American tradition involving the words GOD or the Bible is
> being removed from the public to see.

> I am afraid they will just get rid of the oath altogether so it doesn't
> offend someone.

I fail to see why this is newsworthy.  At least three presidents chose
to pledge their oath privately, including Woodrow Wilson.  Reagan's
second swearing-in was public/private -- although it was televised, it
was not open to the public.  Theodore Roosevelt didn't use a bible
when he pledged his oath; neither did Rutherford B. Hayes.  George W.
Bush, for his first swearing-in, took the oath with the bible closed
(most presidents have apparently sworn in with their left-hand on a
bible open to a particular bible verse).

Merry Xmas,


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