[Vision2020] Meeting Cancelled

heirdoug at netscape.net heirdoug at netscape.net
Wed Dec 13 15:36:55 PST 2006

Mrs. Bafus,

I was wondering if you could introduce me to J. Ford at the upcoming 
meeting? I know how you feel close ties to the Intolerestas and this 
will be a good chance to identify your self with their progressive and 
community minded causes.

For the Love of the Code,

-----Original Message-----
From: heirdoug at netscape.net
To: vision2020 at moscow.com; bevbafus at verizon.net; privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Sent: Wed, 13 Dec 2006 1:03 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Meeting Cancelled

Mrs. Bafus, 
I will be happy to extend an apology to J. Ford and to never ever again 
say anything to him/her when I meet her/him in person at the meeting. I 
will be looking for her/him if you could give me a discription that 
would make my search easier. 
Is J. Ford a male or female? 
Is J. Ford tall and slender or short and stout? 
Does J. Ford ware a felt, blue cowboy hat or a baseball cap? 
Does J. Ford drive a small pickup truck or a Ford LTD? 
Does J. Ford have Blond hair or stringy brown hair? 
Let me know the answer or send a picture so that I may know what to 
look for! 
You owe J Ford an apology. 
Thank you 
Bev Bafus 

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