[Vision2020] Metzler: King Solomon Minds?

keely emerinemix kjajmix1 at msn.com
Sat Dec 9 18:12:32 PST 2006

It's a little difficult for me to endure a lecture on foolishness by someone 
who signs his or her posts "Princess Sushitushi."

And might it just be possible that Metzler, having left an organization he 
finds dangerous and broken allegiance with a man he finds devious, is trying 
to warn others -- not unlike a man who escapes from the back door of a 
burning building whose front door continues to receive guests?

I don't know a thing about Ligonier, Federal Vision, or Doug Phillips and 
their relationship or connection to Doug Wilson.  All I need to know to 
dislike Wilson is right here in Moscow.  But I don't write for the larger, 
in this case Reformed, community -- people who might well be harmed, or may 
very well be blessed, by affiliating with Ligonier, et al.  Metzler thinks 
they'd be harmed.  Somewhere between Sushitushi's condemnation of everything 
out of Michael's mouth, just because it's Michael,  and God's knowledge of 
the heart, which in its infallibility judges rightly, is where Michael has 
landed, and I'm content to leave him there.

By the way, Princess, I trust that a committed Christian such as yourself 
has admonished Michael according to Matthew 18.  Of course, in your 
anonymity, we'd really have no way of confronting you if you hadn't, right?

And I wonder what the Apostle Paul meant when he, the guy who regularly 
named people who had ticked him off, admonishes us in his letters to expose 
the deeds of darkness?  The absolute is both getting it right, and "getting 
it" at all.


From: "Taro Tanaka" <taro_tanaka at hotmail.com>
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Metzler admits he was "dead wrong," but he is 
still dead wrong
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2006 23:24:04 +0000

Wayne, technically speaking that would be "nadir," not "acme."

I suppose it's disgusting if you find biblical truth repulsive. But if it's
simply me rather than the message that you find disgusting, then here is the
same point I was trying to make, but by a more esteemed author:

"A wicked doer giveth heed to false lips; and a liar giveth ear to a naughty
tongue . . . He that covereth a transgression seeketh love; but he that
repeateth a matter separateth very friends . . . The beginning of strife is
as when one letteth out water: therefore leave off contention, before it be
meddled with . . . He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the
just, even they both are abomination to the LORD . . . He that hath
knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of cool temper.
Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that
shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding." (King Solomon,
Proverbs 17)

If Metzler (or you) don't want to listem to me, fine, but King Solomon here
is speaking with divine authority, and the truth of these words has only
been proven and never disproven in all of human history. Nothing has
happened in the age of cyberspace to change any of that. In fact it is if
anything now truer than ever, because this technology makes it easier than
ever for fools to manifest their foolishness.

-- Princess Sushitushi

Art Deco" <deco at moscow.com> wrote:

 >The post below by the Cult Princess is an example of religious whoredom at
 >its most disgusting acme.

 >>For a man who has brought a lot of condomnation upon himself, Mike 
 >>sure has a lot of spunk.
 >>So now over at his blog he admits he was dead wrong. In this, he probably
 >>thinks he is superior to that other fellow who has never admitted to 
 >>wrong in public (except for his having been a credobaptist and his having
 >>fumbled the ball in editing everybody's favorite pamphlet on slavery), 
 >>Mr. Metzler still has a problem. He is still dead wrong because he still
 >>trusts his nose enough to blab in cyberspace about other peoples' 
 >>about which he has no first-hand knowledge. Until Mr. Metzler learns the
 >>fine art of shutting up about such matters, he will continue to be dead
 >>wrong everytime he posts.
 >>-- Princess Sushitushi
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