[Vision2020] Edit Board is Whined, Dined

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Wed Aug 30 17:20:34 PDT 2006

>From today's (August 30, 2006) Moscow-Pullman Daily News -


Edit board is whined, dined 

While I applaud Alexis Bacharach's balanced reporting on the serving of foie
gras at Moscow's newest restaurant (Daily News, Aug. 23), I am once again
disgusted with your gutless (pardon the pun) editorial board (Opinion, Aug.
25). It was startling to see the photograph of a goose being force-fed in
order to satisfy the gluttonous gourmands who apparently savor the peculiar
epicurean delight of eating the damaged livers of tortured birds. To compare
the eating of foie gras to the eating of animals who are not callously
abused is not only ludicrous, it misses the point. 

I regret that I was forced as a matter of conscience to cancel my
subscription to the Daily News, but I cannot stomach (whoops, another pun)
your servile editorial board. Happily, a friend has suggested a potential
solution to my dilemma: if the editorial board of the Daily News would just
let me know how many bottles of wine New St. Andrews and Christ Church ante
up monthly in the form of liquid thank-you notes, perhaps the rest of Moscow
might agree to pool our resources and match their offering. Obviously,
nothing expresses gratitude like a bottle of Two Buck Chuck and I am
confident that by working together in this way our community can once again
expect an impartial editorial perspective. 

Rose Huskey, Moscow


Yep.  Nothing says "Thank You" quite like a plate of diseased duck liver
topped off with a bottle of rot gut.

Thank you, Rose.

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

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