[Vision2020] True remarks on KUOI broadcast

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 28 19:27:26 PDT 2006

Or is the point - argue just because?


J  :]

>From: Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net>
>To: Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
>CC: vision2020 at moscow.com, "Kenna S. Eaton" <kenna at moscowfood.coop>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] True remarks on KUOI broadcast
>Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:22:57 -0700
>What is the point, Donovan? I just do not get it.
>Is the point that you must either be a vegetarian or eat anything put in 
>front of you? Are you a hypocrite if you eat some non-human animals but not 
>others, or non-human animals but not humans?
>Are you a vegetarian? I think this argument -- assuming it is sound -- 
>commits you to vegetarianism. If you're not a vegetarian, then even you are 
>not really presuaded by it. Why try to pass it off on the rest of us?
>Joe Campbell
>---- Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>  If these animals are humanely slaughtered, assuming  there is such a 
>thing, then why not give the members of V2020 a  detailed description of 
>how the cattle and animals on Alderspring Ranch  are killed?
>  Tell, me Bill, are the tails of the cows that  give milk and used to make 
>cheese chopped off making them more  susceptible to disease and illness?
>   Are the layer chickens that give you your eggs confined to a small area?
>   How are the broiler chickens killed?
>   Are the cattle at Mission Valley of Montana forced to eat in lot feeds,  
>the article in your paper says they are? Look yourself,
>   http://www.moscowfood.coop/archive/bcr.html
>    Is your paper lying, or are you  treating these animals cruelly? Which 
>is it?
>   I am fairly certain Mr. London, you will find, if you do some research  
>that while the Co-Op does it less than most, it still buys from  producers 
>that abuse and slaughter animals, especially if you use the  definitions of 
>PETA, which is what we were discussing on KUOI.   The animals are 
>slaughtered, they don't die of natural causes. Nor are  they given pain 
>killers before being killed.
>  So show  me where I am wrong Bill, your own paper testifies to what I am  
>saying.If this is wrong, give us a video clip of how pigs meet their  death 
>before being served up to the people of the Moscow?
>   Also, maybe you can answer this question, why does the Co-OP charge 3 x  
>as much for something as everyone else in Moscow, even when it is the  
>exact same product?
>   You wrote:
>   "Shoppers  who purchase meat at the Moscow Food Co-op can be assured 
>that the  utmost care has been taken to ensure that the meat has been 
>carefully  and humanely grown."
>   Meat is grown? Like potatoes? That is new to me.
>   Tell the Co-Op you don't want fedlot cattle. This is the same method  
>used by factory farms. It is unclean and inhumane to the animals.
>     Best,
>   _DJA
>Bill London <london at moscow.com> wrote:              During Tim  Lohrmann's 
>KUOI interview show with Megan Prusynski on  Sunday, a caller (later 
>identified as Donovan Arnold) said that the  Moscow Food Co-op sold meat 
>that had been inhumanely raised.
>   That is absolutely false.
>   The  Moscow Food Co-op is extremely diligent in checking the sources of 
>the  meat sold there.  Every source is documented.  Scott Jaklin  (meat 
>manager) has files of reports and affidavits for verification, if  anyone 
>wants to see them.
>   Shoppers  who purchase meat at the Moscow Food Co-op can be assured that 
>the  utmost care has been taken to ensure that the meat has been carefully  
>and humanely grown.
>   BL
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