[Vision2020] Doug, sodomites, Iraqis and abortion

heirdoug at netscape.net heirdoug at netscape.net
Mon Aug 28 13:03:22 PDT 2006


I will spell it out for you. I would rather have a person be born in a 
disfuctional home and become a sodomite by choice and have the 
opportunity to pray that they would repent of the sin of sodomy and 
become a Christian then have them butchered by a Planned Barrenhood 
abortion provider and end up in a trash can.

The same is true for the one you call "enemy". I would rather have a 
little boy grow up in Iraq and he have the chance to hear the Gospel in 
a Kurdish Clasical Christian School in his village and come to know 
Christ rather than have them end up in a bio-hazard bag in Florida some 

If you go back through the previous Blind 2020 posts you will see that 
it was Mr. Campbell who brought up the "sodomite or Iraqis" scenario 
and not I. I was just commenting back...

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify it for you.

lemeno, Doug!

PS: I forgot Step 0 of the Planned Barrenhood steps..... Collect 
$600-$1200 cash from the client before starting Step 1!

PPS what do you really mean by "as long as pro-life means post-birth 
until death and not just in-utero life."? Do you mean that you don't 
believe that babies (in-utero) are people too?

-----Original Message-----
From: kjajmix1 at msn.com
To: heirdoug at netscape.net; joekc at adelphia.net; 
donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Cc: vision2020 at moscow.com
Sent: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Doug, sodomites, Iraqis and abortion

Your last line, where you assert that you'd rather have a "live 
sodomite or Iraqi" rather than "a garbage pail full of little baby body 
parts," is sickening. And I say this as someone who is more sympathetic 
to the pro-life position than the pro-choice position, as long as 
pro-life means post-birth until death and not just in-utero life.

So what are we to make of such a declaration? Is it that as horrible 
you think the existence of live-born "sodomites or Iraqis" is, it's at 
least better than abortion? Do you think you deserve a Biblical 
fidelity medal for that one? Do you move up in the ranks of pro-life 
men of chest in- and outside of the Kirk by making such a patently 
offensive statement? Is your wife more proud of you?
Are you putting on the armor of Christian soldierhood by hitting three 
targets -- defending unborn life, condemning homosexuals, AND showing 
hatred of the "enemy," all in one fell swoop?

You're quite the man, aren't you?

Or, as I've often thought, you truly are something else. I pity you.


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